Monthly Archives: August 2012

The Works

The condominiums are vendidos associates to a previsibility idea, of form that the purchaser will be able to foresee the one who partner-economic segment belongs its neighbors and as they will be its behaviors, tending to create a bow of similarity and indiferenciao between these parts so that it increases the confidence and the expectations of the purchaser in relation to the acquisition. In this context the homogeneity has the function to leave clear the difference between that they inhabit these areas and the others that inhabit the other spaces. The privacy idea also is recurrent in the real estate marketing, but not only the individual privacy, that is, the desired one in the interior of the unit of habitation, but also the privacy of the supplied social group more in relation to the others. It is reached through the exclusiveness and of the security that permeia the relation of these areas with the exterior city and the social groups compose that it. In this scope, the privacy is had as important element therefore is related directly the reaffirmation of the auto-exculpatory decision of the layer.

The technique allows that standards and procedures are established and reproduced so that either gotten the biggest profit. The production in mass and directed consumption strengthens the homogeneity at the same time that this is composed for an innumerable spalling, how much to this Lefebvre in its analysis dialectic affirms that on the other hand it is fictitious, therefore ' ' if it cannot completely separate the functions, ' equipamentos' of another one, is real (therefore all I break up of the space with its functions, divided as the works in the companies, get and keep an autonomy) ' ' (LEFEBVRE, 1980:154 cf. LENCIONI, 2010:4). These enclaves can be installed and to create new centralidades where the market to judge necessary, independent of localization.


The herbaceous vegetation of characteristic pioneer who found propitious physical conditions to its development observes itself that the vegetation this installed in the spaces, where the ground not this compact for the action human being. The poles destined for public illumination are made use of correct form leaving a space between the trees; the energy distribution is made by the company Energisa supplying energy all the houses for equal. A species of structure was constructed in the front of all the constructions sheltering two boxes with light measurers. The basic services offered the street are: the pruning of the trees and the garbage collection that is only made weekly, then the garbage if accumulates in the containers offering contamination risk the inhabitants, the cause of the slowness of this service is type of used vehicle a wagon with animal traction. The constructions possess boxes d' water that is supplied by the tubing installed for the Cagepa. The locality does not possess exhaustion bathroom; as alternative they are constructed fossas septic in the land next to each habitation. Another aspect that is necessary to point out is the presence of receiving antennas of known television channels ' ' parablicas' ' , that they reflect the popularizao of the ways of access to the communication, using technologies of accessible cost to the classrooms lowest. The relation that the man has with its housing is express for Blacksmith (2009, P.

108), in the following affirmation: ' ' The habitation, as well necessary, mentions an object to it that possesss utility for homem' ' , they can be constructed by the proper proprietor, bought or exactly received through donation. Being related directly the economic conditions of the population being, ' ' The form most visible of differentiations of classrooms, in espao' ' (BLACKSMITH; 2009 P. 109). The planned periphery or does not shelter a population in its low-level majority of economic instruction and.

Federal Law

However, it deserves special commentary the confrontation of 71% of the interviewed ones that they repute as good and very good to the quality of the place of its housings with 12% that they repute as bad and very bad the system of local water supply. The constatao of the indices of 38% of the interviewed ones affirming to be sufficient or extremely worried about the possible water lack ahead of population increase and 100% of the interviewed ones, also sufficiently or extremely, worrying about the possible water lack in the summer, reflects the recognition of the community for the current inexistence of a program that authorizes the indispensable interrelation of the urban process of occupation and the capacity of attendance to the water demand. Although low the frequency of dirty water act of receiving, the totality of the interviewed ones has accented concern with the quality of the water that it uses in its house and 73% of them already had had, to the times, rare, bad mood related to the water supply. The average of the ISC of the place (68%) points out question inside of system 4 of Likert and translates an excellency in relation to the index of satisfaction of the community. The average of the ISC of the SAA (33%) was placed in system 2 of Likert, that is precarious and is to indicate necessity of evolution of the company sanitation concessionaire. 4.Concluses In the global context, by to be vital to the survival human being, its multiple uses and the countless combinations with other systemize insumos secularly, the water must be considered, as one of the most important factors for the development of the societies in the past, gift and future. In the management of the hdricos resources a new form of power could be instituted, the State when defining Federal Law 9,433/97 establishes the instruments of grant and collection, that in the appearance is a license for use of the water and the financial instrument of correction of the generated social externalidade.

Physical Pessoa

Because, in the places where he knew nobody me, I did not have vergonha.' ' Amongst the congregated cooperated ones in the diverse operating cooperatives in the city, it has a significant number that it arrived to live in the streets, but since that the work conditions were modified today are more separating of what catadores this professional task comes attracting other happened people of unemployment situations. Of the universe of workers of the Cooperate-center, cooperated 37.10% have less than 1 year of cooperative (46); cooperated 35.45% more than have 3 years of performance in this area (44); 27.45% have between 1 and 3 years (34). In the three situations, it has a certain balance of sort: Of that it has less of one year, 50.0% are men and 50.0% women. Of that it has 3 years more or, 59.1% are women and 40.9% are men; of that it has between 1 and 3 years of cooperative, 55.88% are men and 44.12% women. Amongst the cooperated ones with first incomplete degree (that they are majority between these workers), 42.03% (29) have less of one year; 36.20% (25) have 3 years more than and 21.74% (15) have between 1 and 3 years. In the collected sample, 73.68% more than have 3 years of performance in this area (14).

10.52% have between 1 and 3 years (2), and 15.76% have less than 1 year (3). Amongst the cooperated ones with first incomplete degree (that they are majority between these workers), 83.33% (10) have less of one year. The other information are residual. All cooperated of the Cooperate-center and those that had been interviewed in the Coopamare possess documents of identity and CPF Cadastro de Physical Pessoa. 1 the collected data, in the interviews as I register in cadastre in it of the Cooperate-center, do not allow an analysis of the housing conditions, since the conditions of individual housings are not explicitadas or collective as well as an analysis of the situation of precariousness of the same ones was not made.