People are hired for their knowledge and says goodbye to them by his behavior this phrase is not mine. It belongs to Martha Alles, Argentine consulting firm which has achieved popularity with management by competencies. But let’s go to our theme. 2 Hires Bill Gates successful people is a model is misunderstood selection competency base: replicate the success model. Seeks to replicate the success, but the reasons are not based on personal characteristics (many entrepreneurs of exist would not be eligible).What should not be forgotten is that you hired him and how the results you get will be measured.
For example how it would determine the key factors of success of a financial analysis or a marketing manager. Let’s take the case of the Manager. The first thing you need to do is think about in the maybe. Wonder how well towards the work. As you must have on hand a list of obligations relating to that post, wonder how well has fulfilled every obligation. Through this examination you may identify success criteria. Suppose that you concluded that the criteria are the following: 1.-processing orders for imports of inputs within a maximum of thirty calendar days.
2 Keep the costs of purchases with a maximum deviation of 5% over the budgeted amount 3.-delegate to the staff in charge all the necessary tasks in such a way that the two previous criteria are met. Once you know clearly what are the criteria for successful performance, already known as the person who will cover the vacancy should behave. I.e., you expect the new Marketing Manager to quickly process orders for import of inputs using a maximum one month. Similarly, that person must follow the purchasing budget avoiding deviations exceeding 5%. Finally, it should be capable enough to delegate to his collaborators all the tasks that are necessary to avoid filling work, which could result in him the non-compliance of the processing or the budget execution. Remember: You must achieve to measure all the work of the person and not just a part.