Do not have a certificate from tax? Then do not have illusions. Passers banks do not serve it. However, such programs do exist. Banks, and the truth declaring a mortgage without a down payment. But you need to take a consumer loan.
That is, the initial payment will still be. Only money is shifted from right to left pocket, and a much larger interest! C first glance, the difference is not obvious, but let's try to understand why the bank did not give a simple mortgage, without complicating the scheme, and not confuse the customer? How would say Dear Mr. rods: and let's try pozrit in the root. Why is all the banks rushed to issue mortgages? And why not so long ago, this mechanism worked with a large scratch. Consumer loans were given the banks themselves. They gave their money. AND risk themselves.
Mortgage is another matter! Mortgage loan itself is the subject of reliable collateral. And the banks were to use this mechanism on all cylinders. The bank issues a mortgage, and immediately under this loan, that is to your obligations perekreditovyvaetsya *** on the market of cheaper money. Your bank returns instantly. No risk, but still receives a percentage. However, the issue of lending is the bank itself acts as a street beggars. If he can not provide a convincing argument that you are creditworthy, then the security of your mortgage no one will give the bank money. What lending rules and regulations – is a closely guarded secret, but it seems that for those who will perekreditovyvat bank also needs serious guarantees. But such guarantees reliability of your loan is just the first installment! And you want to issue a bank loan without a down payment, but nemozhetsya – on such borrowers like you, it does not perekredituyut!. And then the risks will be responsible for yourself. What a banker in his right mind would agree to that!? But oh, how to get protsentiki want … Here and came to the aid of a cunning Mortgage and consumer shemka. The Bank issues potrebitelstky credit. You pay for his rabid interest. But in one window. Then the money will go to another window in which no one asks about the history of their origin. And so, according to the documents you no longer a bum off the street, but quite respectable man, who was able to save money, and therefore able to give all the rest. That means it can take an apartment on credit. Bank knows the price of your respectability, but whether it will be recorded in the mortgage agreement? In that agreement, under which the Bank in the interbank borrowing can get perekreditovku? The outcome for the bank just wonderful. Not only that, he gets to you interest on the mortgage. Moreover, it removes the risks. Not only did he quickly returns his money and then lets them in turn. The Bank also "inscribes" you into an expensive consumer credit, from which the additional cuts interest. And yet, in all honesty, it is still the bank is no risk. Remains the most reliable guarantee of your home. Which is easy to sell if you can not bear the weight of mortgage and consumer loans. We wrong? Then why the bank needs is a curve diagram? Why would a bank do not give a direct and simple mortgage. Without it, no down payment. Huh? Article from Satya: Mortgage without down payment