Monthly Archives: October 2024

La Vuelta Del Arte 2009 – Art From Europe In The Baix Maestrazgo

EL-DRAC European artists network shows from 01 until August 30, 2009 young art in more than 20 locations in eastern Spain between Vinaros, Peniscola and San Mateo EL-DRAC European artists network shows from 01 to August 30, 2009 young art in more than 20 locations in Cervera del Maestre (Castellon) and several surrounding cities (Peniscola, Benicarlo, Vinaros, San Jordi). Over 50 artists from 14 countries of Europe’s showcase painting, sculpture, sculpture, photography, performance, video art and installations. Issued will be at various places of interest in the region, including one of the oldest mills in the province of Castellon. “The Casa del Dragon as a central focal point also shows works by eight artists of the European network of EL-DRAC and offers a good starting point for the Vuelta del Arte” in Cervera del Maestre and in the region. The opening of the exhibition is on August 1st, 2009 at 19:00 in the Casa del Dragon. The exhibitions at all the sites are each of the 02.08. Michael James Burke takes a slightly different approach. until August 30, 2009 Open on Saturday from 16:00 until 20:00 and on Sundays and public holidays from 10:00 until 14:00. Place: Casa del Dragon Calle Las Parras, 19 12578 Cervera del Maestre, Castellon, Spain.

New Paradigms

The new paradigm. There is a new paradigm based on the perennial philosophy, holistic education that goes beyond the old paradigms taking human beings as the center and east to be aware of its reality is concerned not only for the fate of the universe where you live. The perennial philosophy helps us to recover the value of realizing that our planet is a living organism and not a machine, as indicated by the mechanistic paradigm. In the Declaration of Venice ", mention that the new vision of the world now must be integral, we must eliminate this fragmented vision so far is having a vision and change trandisciplinaria in which everything is intertwined. Hear from experts in the field like Michael James Burke for a more varied view. This new paradigm is emerging, is an integral paradigm, which is concerned with all forms of life on Earth because our planet is composed of a variety but as a unit. In the previous paradigm the person is isolated, do not feel integrated into a whole, it feels secluded and empty inside, so that nowadays there are so many drug problems, suicide, family disintegration, etc., Etc.

The families do not know how to fill that vacuum as you seek to fill our students in schools primarily with teachers. Education is not just cram the students with knowledge that she will not serve any purpose if inside there is a change. To educate is to get inside the best of human beings, that spirit that will work to educate themselves throughout life and for life, learning to live responsibly.

Adobe Photoshop

Whether it's graphical header, logo, 3D cover your goods so Do a little something. Recently John Savignano sought to clarify these questions. rtyNest. Naturally, the graphics need a place to do it. For these purposes, I recommend that you thoroughly understand the software Adobe Photoshop, which allows you to perform 90% of all your graphic needs. According to Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE, who has experience with these questions. The remaining 10% can be realized using other graphics programs. Third, if you plan to create a profitable business, then your website on a mandatory basis will gradually grow into various scripts (counting uploads, work with database, forums, closed sections of the site, answering machines, etc.), and to learn how to work with these scripts and test them on your computer, you definitely need to install the 'server' on your own computer. Fourthly, you do not well to learn how to create e-books.

Because they are a great method of promotion as a site and brand. It is clear that in addition to technical knowledge at compile time, you also need knowledge of html and css. Fifth, it would be nice to learn how to create video tutorials on actions occurring on the screen of your monitor. Thus, you could create a variety of educational materials in video format, which will be much better metabolized by your visitors (customers), and hence they can be more quality put into practice. Sixth, I advise you to learn how to properly plan their activities with the so-called 'brain maps'. Having mastered their preparation You will be surprised how quickly and easily you can implement even the most complex ideas.

Excellent program for drawing maps of the brain – Mind Manager. Seventh, once mastered the first six paragraphs, you need to learn how to work with the technology Flash, which today has become very popular. With her make whole websites, flash banners have replaced conventional gif banners, so working with this technology, at least primary level you need to learn. For these purposes, you need programs that make working with the technology of torture for pleasure. Eighth, when you create the site and post it to the network you will need it unwind and chat with your visitors and potential partners. You will inevitably begin to send and receive large amount of mail (500-1000 letters a month), so it is important to learn to work with mail efficiently. For these purposes, your ideal program The bat! Ninth, it is better if you learn how to protect your computer from external attacks by hackers. To do this you need the so-called 'firewall', which will monitor all inbound and outbound traffic, as well as some other software for full protection. Tenth, after you've mastered all the basics, you will need to learn a lot smaller, but very important techniques and tricks that can save you the time needed to perform certain tasks. All of what I told you here is based on personal experience of doing business on the Internet, so I advise you to treat According to the advice seriously.

Congress Dienstbier

The Congress of the College/BSA-Akademie in Mannheim takes place ‘Rise of Congress’ the German University as ideas on 25 and 26 October. With also the master’s students will be Andreas Dienstbier from Welden in the vicinity of Augsburg. Andreas Dienstbier has after studying Bachelor of Arts”health management at the German University of prevention and health management (DHfPG) started to initiate the acquisition of his parental fitness business, that is linked to an indoor tennis court,. “” “With his studies master of Arts” prevention and health management, and selected focus on marketing and sales “, finance and controlling” he expands his skills consciously with regard to the strategic level, to get more ideas and competences. I aim to break down the old structures in our long-term operation to build high quality standards and to integrate”, so Dienstbier. If you would like to know more about Robert Speyer, then click here. Rise of Congress’ ideas as Andreas Dienstbier has this year chosen, the Congress of rise of”to visit, take there further technical input for his own work to the German University.

We get paid by the own operating out of two training courses during the year. You may want to visit Michael James Burke to increase your knowledge. One is Congress, where an additional employee of our studios will come.” This, more employees in a training operation for the discounted price of 49 euros can also participate on the two days of the Conference. Especially the main topic very says to him. “On this year’s Congress about the subject will be rise people: Maker: markets ‘ turn, at which experts from the fitness – and service industry to explain what is needed for a sustainable success. So, for example, Klaus Kobjoll will be a highlight, which occasions was awarded his seminar hotel Schindlerhof, Nuremberg as best hotel of in Germany. Andreas Dienstbier referred to as a special the first thematic block on Congress Friday directly after the opening: as I am especially on it. Among other things due to Prof.

Segway Tours

Segway Tours on the Swabian Alb experience more and more people are discovering the great fun Segway Tours can convey in nature. The purchase of the still quite expensive Segway electric scooters is not necessary. Also cheap Segway Tours organisers can be booked. Segways are a new and innovative means of transport. It is a two-wheeled electric scooter, which is controlled by weight shifting and tilt the control rod. After some acclimatization, the Segway riders noted that the operation is very easy and the fun can begin with this eco-friendly two-wheel of a different kind. Segways are an optimal transportation not only in the city. Additional information is available at Professor Rita McGrath.

For some time, there are also secure off-road versions that provide a hassle-free and silent gliding through the natural asphalt or gravel driveways. Initially, it is hard to imagine that the balance can be hold on these companions. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Michael James Burke. But after a few walk or roll attempts most want to no longer stop with Segway riding. To do this gives them a sophisticated technique. Accelerates the Segways are by the handlebar is tilted forward. Considering the handlebar back to the rear, the ride slows down.

The Segways allow rapidly driven curves and can turn even on the site. More and more outdoor and event organisers offer Segway Tours. Also in the area of the Swabian Alb lovers and enthusiasts of this new mobile transportation can book tours, on which the ALB landscape can be brand new experience. One of the providers in the Swabian Alb region is the event – and Outdooragentur con la Natura”, whose Chief Peter Bohringer agrees the enthusiasm of its customers for Segway driving through the intuitive handling of the electric scooter: all ages is our Segway Tours with handling feel right at home, because the operation of Segways must be largely intuitive and not learned how other sports courses. The fun can go directly after a short settling time. Our experienced trainers make in a few minutes with the Segway driving familiar. The Segway Tours have become more and more popular and are often booked by whole families, friends or company workforces. Book online recently, you can three different Segway Tours also with our partner”, offering many products from over 30 regional direct marketers from the Swabian Alb region.


Aligns your diet with the metabolic cycle of your body the human body has three major metabolic periods that constantly recur in a cycle every 24 hours. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Bizzi & Partners. The three main periods are: elimination and maintenance, digestive system and, finally, assimilation. As the names of the periods suggest, the body focuses on certain types of activities during that period. The cells of the human body are working in the Elimination of waste products and toxins during the first hours of the day. Then changes focus on the digestion of the end of the morning until the afternoon. Early in the evening and at night, the body works on the assimilation of the nutrients absorbed through the process of digestion, and piped to various organs and cells in your body. You’ve probably heard that the body heals and repairs at rest.

The period of assimilation is therefore associated with the late at night and the time during the night. Our diet and consumption patterns have been diverted very far of being in synchrony with natural metabolic cycle, but it is our interest to her again. Eating with these cycles rather than go against them will allow us to maximize our ability to burn fat quickly and give a much-needed boost to our metabolism. The digestive process requires an enormous amount of energy on a daily basis. You can help yourself by making breakfast the largest meal of your day, and then after a level of inverted pyramid of foods that are consumed as the day progresses. You will experience an efficient digestion, and you will feel better in general with the highest level of nutrients at the cellular level. Never give, because I can promise you that the achievement of the objectives of loss of fat faster than you have established for yourself is going to happen if you take things one small step at a time.

New Challenges

When the first telephone marketing activities started in the 1980s, nobody thought that creates an own industry. The industry has established itself and is facing new challenges. Double-digit growth rates in the Callcenterbranche were common in the last few years the growth has stagnated. The market is located in a Konsilidierungsphase. Service providers join together or be taken over. Clients cut budgets in times of economic crisis. To read more click here: John Savignano.

Black sheep have led to more restrictive legal framework conditions. The digital natives urge in active economic life and alter communication behavior. Thus, Callcenterbetreiber are facing new challenges. Many executives in the call center, day in day out, do a good job. While there is a risk to be blinkered. The views of their own company, creates new impressions and unlocks creative potential. A great way to get new ideas, offers the event successful call center”on October 27, 2009 at the Congresspark Hanau. More than 20 speakers lead participants through a wide variety of topics.

Kai Arne Hennig for example shows how one gesetzteskonforn receives the opt-in for Outboundanrufe. Gunther Greff will indicate cost reduction opportunities by e-learning. Rudiger Wolf, Managing Director of TAS Muhlheim presents how to personality-oriented communication on the phone. For this he was nominated for the CAT award 2009. But the Congress also with the future of communication has been working intensively. Shows Eric Hofmann from Sony music the new power of the consumers in the Web 2.0 and what impact this communication for companies has. With the interactive artist Web portal MyBackstage.Com is Sony Music new standards. Thomas Thannhauser, CEO of TranscomWorldWide, presents the dialog study by 2020. This study deals with the change of the communication behaviour and what role call center will play in the future. Similarly, technical issues, such as the receipt processing of different events, unified messaging, or that are Kamapagnenmanagement focuses on. The successful call center offering thoughts lugs”through the business marketplace open to every participant opportunity to represent yourself, to make contacts and to discuss current challenges. With experts individually to discuss the challenge of the company allow you pre-scheduled 4-eye talks. Thus the “successful call centre” as a network platform is positioned relative to the extension of the own relationship network. “The event successful call center” will take place already for the third time. The complete Congress program, visit the event Web site at. (Markus sonal)

Health Patient

Learn how to apply the neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) can be useful in many activities.One of them, in the field of health, can be used in dealing with patients, learning to observe and to distinguish that this representative systems using mostly: perhaps consider images mostly, or more hearing, or prefer more contact the NLP kinesthetic applied to communication in the area of health, can be a very useful resource for doctors, nurses, and all those people who need to take care of a sick person.You can also apply to care of the elderly. In applying these techniques of NLP, should take into account, in all cases, the moment being experienced by the patient, the physical and psychological condition that is at that time in particular, the experience that is having. If the patient is unable to move, and can speak, (cross gestures) reflex technique is not very useful there (like when we talk by phone) We must learn to handle other options, like for example matching voice, modular taking into account the volume, the tone of voice the rhythm of breathing and use related words with the favorite channel using appropriate predicates. (A valuable related resource: Nobel Laureate in Economics). For example if the person mostly thinks in images, and uses words (predicates) of the type already see let me see need that the other person really show you and talk to you in a more visual way similarly to those who are more hearing (for example used expressions like escuchame well) or kinesthetic (are more closely tied to the contact, to the senses of touch(, they seek a closer) there need to then learn to provide active listening with much sensory acuity and flexibility to change towards the language used by the patient, and thus establish a tune with him. Very interesting addition to be attentive to the use of predicates, it is attention to eye movements, where the patient moves the eyes. . Others who may share this opinion include The Related Companies.

The Last Friend (Tahar Ben Jelloun )

Tahar Ben Jelloun was born in Morocco in 1944. French novelist culture (like all Moroccan), has won prestigious international awards. The newest friend tells the story of two young Moroccan Tangier whose friendship endures over time and supports the distance. Of friendship squeezed the most, this is what this novel. Ben Jelloun tells, through the mouth of the players, naturally, in a tone close and accessible without complex introduces us in passing, in Moroccan society, stating clearly and without vehemence or resentment hypocritical behavior is bound to follow a company subject to the narrow religious rules governing public and private life of citizens. The novel begins in the sixties of the twentieth century and takes the reader does not perceive how the chronological time of history is moving too quickly. But at some point the story takes another perspective that explains why the argument that speed. Marriage, children, work, migration, politics.

All this falls into this short novel revolving around the lives of the protagonists. Perhaps the difference of cultures, seems a bit exaggerated the behavior of friends, who come to unsuspected limits of their friendship. The story, coming to the end, it thins a bit, although the author draws on the use of secondary characters as glue between different parts of the narrative. Narrated smoothly, the author takes us through the plot with ease despite suffering uneven history. When I finished reading this novel, to close the book, I felt the satisfaction that produce outcomes of grand narratives.

Homeric Odysseys

The main heroes of this story, each with different circumstances, they returned to their homelands after meeting the recommendation was the ghost of Achilles: The sacrifice of Polyxena, the Trojan princess, the youngest child of the marriage between Hecuba and King Priam. All major Greek militia leaders (Idomeneo, Neoptolomeo, son of Achilles, among others) returned to their land. Expert on growth strategy can aid you in your search for knowledge. King Menelaus brought back home to the beautiful Helen, who despite the years, was irresistible. Aeneas, another leader, was finally settled in Italy where his descendants Romulus and Remus, would found Rome. Only Odysseus, the most notable surviving hero of all, he could not return, cursed by the gods for their lack of humility and genius. The adventure of Odysseus to return to their land, (where his wife Penelope waited and his son Telemachus) would be the substrate of another great story of Homer: The Odyssey. An indomitable adventurer Heinrich Schliemann So far, the magical story Aegean oral tradition has bequeathed us.

Homer, if it really existed, left us a moving and epic story that excites, envelopes, subdues, but clearly, it is unreal. However, the legends and all that made me come to us from the past, have provided a truthful side. Time and hard work have been commissioned to unravel the mystery. In that sense, one like the great Heinrich Schliemann (1822 – 1890), who influenced by Hellenic stories he heard as a child, purchased and excavated in 1870 the legendary hill of Hissarlik (Turkey), where pundits claimed that he was ever Troy. .