In the Karakum Desert is growing quaint tree – crowfoot. Stunted, gnarled trunk with as if torn in the fight against sandstorms, he is deprived of the leaves. It turns out Haloxylon leaves are not needed: they have a lot of moisture evaporated, and the tree should be its protected. Haloxylon low. By dvadtsatitridtsati years it grows to five to seven meters. But the impression is deceptive short stature: crowfoot growing strongly, though not in height, and depth. An adult tree roots reach the size of ten-story building.

With such depth of the tree gets water from underground sources. Its long roots firmly enshrines tree sands. Where there is a thicket saxaul there and conquered the desert man. Wood crowfoot very hard. Try to cut it – will not work. Axe blunt, break, and the tree will stand as if nothing had happened.

There are not enough for the saw – is useless. Saw it too, not cut it. You know what to do? Ax or a crowbar strongly hit the trunk, and it smashed like glass. And you can easily debris, cracked hands. So is this tree – hard and brittle. But what if a raft of Haloxylon make or boat? Again, an empty idea. Like a stone he goes to the bottom. Wood Haloxylon heavy, sinks in water. Crowfoot is often called no tree and bush. This is because almost from the ground he started to grow branches. And on the branches of Haloxylon no leaves, as the birch or aspen, and young green twigs. Add to your understanding with John Savignano. Many small twigs and tender. They hang fun, fluffy panicles. In the spring feast on fresh greens come running animals – gazelles. But as soon as the sun warmed stronger as Haloxylon hurry to lose her green dress. You already know: leaves can evaporate more moisture than razdobudut its roots in the ground. Then comes the death of – the tree is withered. All summer tree dumps excess twigs, sand ustilaya around small twigs. Excellent burn this wood. Crowfoot – perfect fuel. No tree in the world, which would give the same amount of heat. As fuel crowfoot can be compared with some kinds of coal. For many centuries in the deserts of Central Asia was the only crowfoot fuel. Here Why around the towns and villages virtually disappeared saxaul forests. Now come to the aid of Haloxylon coal and gas, and Haloxylon cherish. Cut down its rare. Saplings grow yield, gain strength, and for fuel use large, old trees. Crowfoot – the real wealth of the desert. Harsh desert conditions make crowfoot take care of their offspring. Fruit yield of plants abundant. There are devices that help the plant to settle: equipped with light fruit leaves, like wings. Wind blows, will cover the wings – and bear fruit in the sand, jumping from dune to dune. Is it worth it to stay in one place, as they will germinate in a few days. However, the benefits Haloxylon quickly lose viability. It was then, and people came to help. In late autumn Turkmen foresters harvested from Haloxylon fruit while they have not yet fallen to the ground. Then sow seeds of sand. First planted by hand. But how many so have time to sow? A whimsical seeds do not wait. They may lose their viability. Now decided to sow with the aid of aircraft. It is more convenient and faster. Plantings increased in Haloxylon desert.