Tag Archives: education

Developing Patience

Need to rethink everything that was done. And at this point can not actively move forward. And we must develop the patience and the ability to wait, and the ability to analyze themselves, their actions and their lives. Later on it will not have time. And when it's done, you can 'run' the process of working on the result. Check out Robert Shiller for additional information.

Man comes to the 'moment of truth'. Man 'took' half way of life, spent half his life. What he did and what he achieved? And this issue is relevant in all senses and in all spheres. Time to take stock. But you first need to succeed as a 'harvest'.

Stage rune Jera. But we must be able to wait result, and there can not be in a hurry. For the result will be only at the end of the stage and not rush things. The slightest hurry and you can lose 'half my life. " The result is obtained, the results summarized. And people can not 'exist' in 'The old platform. " If the result is satisfactory, then the person should go to the next level, to a new level of activity. And people should realize this, 'goodbye' to the previous level. If the result is not satisfactory, then the person should be 'goodbye' to the old life and "use a second chance." And one must be willing and able to this (to find the corresponding property), and be able and willing to move to the next level, or 'new life'.

Subject Pupils

Thus, to attribute a concept for disciplines, intrinsically is related to a vision matureness on what indiscipline is considered. The theoreticians will not only have to be consulted, even so are its speeches, the referencial to know the reality, but she is necessary to know what the pupils interpret on being disciplined or not, a time that the vision legalized in the familiar seio and/or other contexts, can be contradicted to the vision defended in classroom. To get resulted safe on an intervention in this level, she is necessary, still, to inquire if the professors, in way to the generating situations of indiscipline, obtain to detect the lacks that pupils present in classroom, so that they can construct alternatives to work them. Situation this, that it demands of the professor, to weave mature analysis on the avaliativas techniques employees, as much on the pertaining to school performance of the pupils as of the proper work whom it plays, in the search to construct solid bases before education, especially if premaking use to reflect if these contributes or the prevention does not stop of disciplines in the classroom. To make previous surveys on the extra-pertaining to school life of the pupils, also contributes for the necessary balance of diverse situations that generate the indiscipline in classroom, as, for example, if the partner-economic context is a factor that intervenes with the attitudes to discipline of the pupils, the familiar conflicts or if in the distance between the school and the housing of the pupils it can cause problems that intervene with the labor dispute on grounds of discipline of the classroom. E, placing as a last situation in analysis? although if it standes out that the subject this way is not depleted? , it must be examined the levels of integration between the competent parts that create the pertaining to school universe properly said, how much to the persistence in exploring more the subject, in planning, to analyze, to argue, to evaluate and to execute action to the height of the requirements that the case requires.

Accommodation In London

If you're going to learn English, and realized that the best way of teaching foreign languages directly into the country in which it originated, then an important factor worthy of study will be comfortable rates. After all, in order to rapidly assimilate the program as thoroughly as possible to explore the cultural values of the country, to have time to see everything and not feel tired, and have fun and maximum benefit, need to have bath or apartments (depending on your requirements for housing) where you can relax, think about what he saw and heard, to build on material covered. Try to come to a choice of housing very seriously. Of course, this choice will depend on many factors: 1. From the age of the learner (if it is a child of 8 to 15 years, then of course it is best not to leave it unattended and determine to live in a family where the children will be kept under care for them will be looked after. Those who are older than the family can stay in a dormitory, a private apartment or hotel. 2. Of temperament (some fine feeling all alone, and some are not seconds can not live without the company).

3. From the elementary requirements for housing (someone for normal work and rest enough beds in the corner and a desk with a lamp nearby, and someone does not survive a second without luxury apartments). I can assure you that the accommodation in London there is any taste at any price.