Tag Archives: literature


Voltage pur to facts which concern us all! Mid March 2010 published: Sun and shadow by Peter von Zech (ISBN number: 9783839144077). First of all, the book is a thrilling novel. The main protagonist, a German with his beautiful daughter and two Moroccans, one with his beautiful daughter, the other with his handsome son adventures a dangerous, political part particularly in Morocco. While Peter von Zech impressively high informative describes the humanitarian and political situation in the Moroccan Western Sahara. In the course of history, the author treated the subjects discussed in Germany constantly hot deficits in the German education and integration problems of migrants and the Germans in Germany.

The combination of novel + subjects is a new way of writing, which I refer to as “appropriate”. Peter von Zech speaks so unpleasant things that inevitably leads to the reflection on the part of the reader / reader. He clearly speaks the failed integration in Germany long before Sarrazin. And just this topic is clearly formulated in the context of an established Turkish family. In this novel, he still calls partly forgotten facts and describes conditions which would have to be changed.

He calls also those responsible, though not by name, but visible to everyone. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Bizzi & Partners on most websites. The glossary at the end of the novel is very helpful and informative. The annex (United Nations resolution) occupied and supports the statements in the novel to the situation in Western Sahara. Peter von Zech spent his childhood in Germany, his youth in North Africa. His established parents gave him the privilege to live in a privileged world. He thus had the opportunity to interact with people of different nationalities and mentalities. He has met religions and early member of interfaith conversation group. He followed the family tradition. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE has much experience in this field. He received his legal education in Germany and France. His life was (is) characterized by familial care. He loves harmony and practicality. His motto CONCORDIA DOMI – FORIS PAX accompanied him today. (Excerpt from a comment: it is logical, that children of migrants are in good hands and at German schools.) The intellectual level is essential here, is in any case sufficient to achieve good results at each school. The pace of instruction and the amount of the conveyed material in mixed classes must be taken into account here as significant factors. Why not special classes for children of migrants, who alone have the goal, these children to the level of German classmates to heave? The other problematic educational issues that arise in this context, has not only outlined the author Peter by Zech in his book Sun and shadow, but also offered solutions. Indeed a very exciting novel that attracts other critical aspects. Worth a read, as instructive!) Indrikis Harold Martinson

Literature Afro

Then, perceiving the importance of this affirmative action in the Brazilian education, from it offers of studies in the cited course and of the convivncia in the Municipal School Dom Avelar Brando Vilela it appears the idea to elaborate and to apply this project of pedagogical matrix so that this thematic one comes to be argued and from this work can open more doors so that other professors feel themselves motivated and together, pupils, professors, is transforming agents in pertaining to school community e, consequentemente, in the society. To study literature for many students of basic education is to decorate literary times, schools etc., then, they do not create taste nor if they interest for the reading and knowledge of the area. Therefore, the present project of heading Literature Afro-Bahian, is not alone or to transform pupils into writers, but only to show the vast one to know that the Bahia has, related the past with the future gift and prescribing, therefore literature is not alone to study times, but to understand and to know values that perpassam our reality are to show as the gift justifies the past and as this enriches the future. As it affirms RASP, (p.7. 2010): ' ' Literature, as well as the language where express it if, is a way of communication and social interaction, therefore it acts in diverse scopes of the society, transmitting the knowledge and the culture of comunidade.' ' Thus, the work considered here is intended to focus the afros inquiry and studies in the Bahia, therefore starting for the state where it lives the taste for Brazilian literature and too much studies will sensetize. It will also focus experience significao of the black in the Bahia, through bahian writers, excellent romances, poetries, films, personages who tematizem this history and culture, exactly that the authors are not bahian, therefore what it is wanted to show in the truth is the presence of Africa in the Bahia.

The Outcome

This being of the imaginary world, the fairy, belongs to mythology capable to carry through the dreams or ideals, inalcanveis to the human beings in so poucoespao of time. Beyond the mediators of the good, which we can characterizes fairy and its here varinha, on the other hand it also has those opponents, that is, osintermedirios of the evil, as giant, witches, wizards, between outrasrepresentaes. The main characteristic of the wonderful story is that, to aodesenrolar history, generally its personages possess reason and motivaocomuns, beyond the encantamento, that is basic part, where one to be sobrenaturalinterfere in the history in positive or negative way. In the truth, this is afuno makes that it to be so different of the literary narratives that if temconhecimento, therefore when it seems not to have more exit, the intervention appears deuma fairy to save the hero of the great conflict and to change its destination. The plot always involves the fight of the good against the evil where asoluo is found through the encantamento. In such a way, the evil acts on obem, in the intention to harm it, is born the great conflict, until the good is successful, the evil is punished etodos will be ' ' happy forever ' '. The plot of stories of fairies sebaseia for the sequncia narrative divided in episodes. In this way, if it can detach: the initial situation, when born in the kingdom atranquilidade and the personages is presented, the protagonist, suafamlia, its qualities, its lacks, its motivations and its destination, oespao and the time; the proper personages and its marcantes characteristics (he bomou badly); the conflict, when it seems not to have more exit, generally is umacomplicao in the life of the main personage; solution of the conflict with ainterveno of the magic; the outcome (marriage, rewards, repairing), sempresatisfatrio. The structure of stories of fairies ligado always brings a problem reality, that unbalances the tranquilidade and the order of the personages.

The First

The world seemed to have motionless per some seconds. A girl did not move the shining eyes nor dared to blink with fear that disappeared: small men who went and came for the beams, good, a little more than what small, he could himself be said. Creusalinda was bewitched, badly believed what it saw. He was fabuloso and uncommon! She continued lying, did not want to scare them, therefore it was not dared to move or to emit any sound, even breathed possible the least; it had entered in one settles of contentment. However, Creusalinda did not notice that it observed somebody it of its headboard, above of its pillow, imperceptible property and, bearded and with a good-natured skill, somebody also teeny. This somebody raised bracinho and it put into motion it in spiral making with that the girl it adormecesse slowly while it smiles satisfied; espiralando if was with its pilgrim’s staff.

When waking up in the following day, the first thing that Creusalinda made, was to smile. continued to smile while pixaim arranged its typical hair, placing fasteners and arresting it with some cramps. It was prepared to go to the school. At a certain moment, Creusalinda if it saw confused with what it capsizes during the dawn: truth or dream, if questioned. It did not count nothing coleguinhas that they walked to its side in direction to the school nor to nobody. If it was a dream was not real, therefore, it had not happened, it did not deserve to be shared; its was a point of view.

During that week, the mind and attention of Creusalinda had been distant. the result of this was that it took a pito, not, but several, mainly, in classroom. Talking with its buttons it saw that those homenzinhos had been an illusion, the consequence of a doidice, that is, a pure dream.