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Barcelona Housing Service

The main advantage for students applying for these program is hosting does not imply them no cost (Yes its maintenance). To change, undertake to make company to the older person and to collaborate with it in specific activities of everyday life (shopping, going to the doctor, administrative formalities, among others), so that one of the main objectives of these programmes has been achieved: foster solidarity and intergenerational relationship. Accommodation online ALUNI.NET services: this student agency offers accommodation in shared flats or families to College resident in Madrid, Valencia and Sevilla. The service has a cost of 77 euros (40% less if the University has agreements with the Agency) and includes the management of rental contracts. RESA group: manages more than 6,700 places of accommodation for students in 26 residences around the country. It offers the possibility of booking rooms during the academic year, months, weeks and days. Colleges: from the website of the Council of university colleges of Spain can access detailed information about rooms, features, prices and equipment of all the centers of this kind attached to the universities of our country. BHSS: Barcelona Housing Service for Students is responsible for the management of accommodations for students in individual flats, rooms, families, residences and other options. Live in Madrid: space Madrileno de higher education proposes to academics who want to settle in the capital a search of accommodation of different types. Currently has offers from rooms in shared apartment in families, rent of complete floors or individual apartments. Source of the news: keys to look for accommodation for university students

National Institute of Statistics

According to the latest data from the National Institute of statistics, free housing fell by 4.1% in the first quarter of this year. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2010, the price drops 3.5%. The prices of the flats began to fall in the second quarter of 2008. Free housing prices fell by 4.1% in the first quarter compared to the same period of 2010, more than two points lower than the rate recorded in the previous quarter (- 1.9%), according to the price index of housing (IPV) the Institute Nacional de Estadistica (INE). In this way, are already twelve consecutive quarters in which housing prices have negative annual rates. The housing prices began to fall in the second quarter of 2008 (- 0.3%) and bottomed out in the second quarter of 2009, when fell by 7.7%, to start the path of moderation. Thus, the annual reduction of prices during the first quarter of the year occurs after registering a negative variation throughout the past year, with falls that ranged from 2.9% in the first quarter and 1.9% in the fourth.

On quarter (Q1 on Q4), free house prices fell 3.5%, against the decrease of 0.1% experienced between October and December. Housing type, the price of new housing declined in the first quarter a 1.9% annual rate, two-tenths more over that recorded in the previous quarter (- 2.1%). Used housing experienced an annual reduction of 6.3%, representing a decrease of almost five points from the fourth quarter of the previous year, when fell 1.6%. All the autonomous communities declined in annual rate, housing prices in the first quarter. In particular, larger interannual falling prices them scored are La Rioja (- 7.8%), Navarre (- 6.4%), Aragon (- 6.2%), Cantabria (- 6.1%) and Catalonia (- 5.5%), while minor descents corresponded to Galicia and Murcia (- 2.4%), Asturias (- 2.6%) (-3%).