Schools suffer from decades of disregard for the image of the secondary school in the public is poor and for good reason. But that was not always the case. Rather, this negative image has evolved in the past 30 years. There are quite a few decision makers in policy and management, which in part alleged open up in the recent past, that met at the schools a piece of chalk and a blackboard to teach. But this “Piece of chalk mentality” rest of General of secondary school has contributed also to the decline and thus to the today’s edge – or harder to formulate it,. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Lincoln Property by clicking through. The shock of the first Pisa study was only a shock for the uninitiated. The performance is no longer correct. But performance is just not an isolated value itself, performance depends on many factors, which taken together create a cheap or even unfavorable learning environment.

Include as most important factor the class size, but also family environment, integration into non-formal processes, material facilities, motivation of teachers, etc. Considering the environment of urban schools, especially negative factors are to name a few: students of the schools come in large part from problematic family relationships or families with a migration background of known integration issues, since a negative image is main students, it is difficult to accommodate them during school hours in suitable traineeships, material is just flawed. In physical education, new balls, mats are missing, there is no pool boys, and swim boards for the swimming lessons, in the geography classroom digital flashcards, in teaching music missing instruments. The list could be extended. Of course, even their “rest”existence also home pupils remains hidden.

That does not necessarily promote their motivation. Finally is particularly difficult in the weight that the classes, composed of deportees school misfires of other schools, children without basic behavior codes, but also Lernschwache, are simply too great. Rather than teach, are busy most of the time with policing teacher. It costs not only strength and nerves, it lowers naturally also the motivation of teachers. Students as well as teachers, feel abandoned by society in the lurch. This affects increasingly negative motivation. Main teachers have every reason to be dissatisfied, nothing has changed since Pisa I despite great public words on the part of the policy, the negative environment. On the contrary, one has deteriorated the environment further by increasing the number of teaching hours otherwise same conditions and same content. In addition permanent teachers need to work unpaid overtime per month up to three lessons, which is used abundantly. A German wisdom is: “So how it just roars in the forest, so it sound” or in other words: who is unwilling to invest, which also no maximum expect. The question arises not only for schools, when Germany finally begins to invest in education. Germany is currently as far as investment in education up to the 15.Lebensjahr, in Western Europe tail light. Since it is quite amazing that we rank in the PISA studies in the midfield. Actually an argument for the relatively good German education. But for a country that can offer much more than “know-how”, so it is dependent on first-class education, a midfield place indefinitely is not enough! Arne Frentzel