Just how important choice of method of land development, said in his speech and Dmitry Krasnov, head of project department Land Development uk "Scale". He elaborated on land development – comprehensive development of the territory on the basis of objective conditions of its most effective and efficient use. Large-scale and systematic exploration land improves its consumer properties, increases the investment attractiveness and contributes to the creation of additional competitive advantages built on it in the object. And one of the most important principles of this process is to achieve self-sufficiency of the territory through the creation of a full-fledged infrastructure and intelligent arrangement of transportation corridors. Only in this way, according to D. Krasnov, you can meet the growing demands of the people and ensure the development of suburban construction as an alternative to urban housing. Unfortunately, even when perfectly developed the concept of cottage settlement, trade center or a storage terminal developer may face a number of practical problems and suffer financial losses, which will increase the cost of the project and the final price of the object. Aleksei , deputy Chairman of the investment programs of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the mayor and the Moscow government, spoke on risk management principles when investing.

He noted that the risks are divided into external and internal. First have an objective character and can not be controlled. This change in the local and federal law, the economy of Russia, located in the high dependence on oil prices, and the situation in individual markets are the actions of the authorities, especially local, that may affect, for example, for a developer of certain approvals, etc.