Tag Archives: finances

The Individual

The most important decision factors for closed-end funds There many ways to invest your savings in a closed-end fund investors now. Before we some of these investments closer look at, another word to the relevant decision factors: in addition to the personal preferences, which of course have an important role play, should orient themselves investors but especially at three significant points – the minimum investment amount, so how much money must invest at least in the investment, the minimum duration of the selected Fund and the expected return for the investment of the individual. Based on these factors every investor, can according to his individual life situation, find the matching funds and therefore the best investment for themselves. Real estate and container Fund: Relatively long term, for reliable straight in recent years is the investment in real estate popularity. But not always, the construction of a house or buying a condo must be. An excellent alternative offer closed-end real estate funds, which allow the investor to even when relatively low investment amounts to benefit from the strong and above all permanent asset value of real estate. Is invested in a real estate fund, which rented residential and business premises in a prime location, in large cities, for example, reliable income from rental income can be expected.

The so-called container Fund yields are similarly reliable. Here with the capital of the fund investors cargo container purchased or leased, that are then re-sold with corresponding gain in freight and logistics companies. Due to the ever-increasing demand for cargo space steady yields are possible container Fund. Investors who opt for the investment of your money in container or real estate funds, must be though over the relatively long duration of the investment form clear – this starts usually from the age of five. However, it is this perceived inflexibility”only at first glance a disadvantage: because in the longer maturities can one possible loss of initial or intermediate lulls Plant product to be compensated by longer periods of profit.

Federal Government

61 percent of the participants are recently before for regulating measures was at EU level through the introduction of a transaction tax on financial transactions discussed. Now the Exchange Portal boersennews.de by its users wanted to know whether and which measures to curb speculations are useful. Surprising: Most pronounced for regulatory measures. Total 1410 respondents by boersennews.de should express themselves how they think the Federal Government about the actions of the Federal Government such as the transaction tax or the short bans. It turned out that the financial crisis has caused probably deeper cracks in investor than you might think: the majority wants to prevent an excessive risk of loss through excessive speculation and accepts this apparently also state resources and measures. So 61 percent were for a financial transaction tax and the short bans.

Only 19 percent felt that both measures as a hindrance to the market. Six percent spoke out for the transaction tax, but against the short bans from 13 per cent saw it exactly the other way around. These results are as far as surprising at first glance, as the adopted measures such as, for example, the prohibition of uncovered short sales so far were enforced in European single handedly. On closer inspection, the BFin adjusts in this country but only the practices on the German stock exchanges on the rules existing fact in almost every developed financial market. Because most international financial markets uncovered short sales are prohibited for years. Uncovered short sales of the speculator or investor is a so-called short position, without previously having borrowed the relevant securities by a different investor. He hereby bypasses the delivery obligations imposed by him on the stock exchange. More information: blog.boersennews.de/…Transaction control and short bans… Unister Lisa Neumann

Metropolitan Berlin

By the fact that the funds invest in at least 15 objects, this concept offers a unique opportunity of the dispersion of real estate. For fund investors, yields are expected from 7% to 12% after all costs. Hurdle rate for PROJECT profit participation by 8 to 12 per cent of the economic success of our raised so far our system is confirmed funds set up. Our confidence in the success of our concept of development is very high, which is why we have raised the hurdle rate at the object level by 8 to 12 per cent. Only when above and beyond winning a proportion flows up to one-fifth, on the management of PROJECT”, so Wolfgang Dippold, managing partner of the PROJECT Fund group. PROJECT funds waive consistently financing at all levels, which is why the investors through the lastenfreie land of the objects are secured to exclude all risks associated with financing. But other provisions to stabilize the PROJECT funds: these are the waiver of interim profit of the initiator object purchasing, clearly fixed investment criteria in the object selection, diversification of the Fund’s capital in at least 15 objects per Fund and the specialization in the five Metropolitan Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Nuremberg and Munich. More flexibility for investors more than ever has PROJECT in Fund designing the new real values Fund 11 12 taking into account the needs of investors.

So it was not only reporting improved reports from half-yearly to quarterly published Fund, but introduced an additional special termination option in defined emergency situations. Unemployment, disability, divorce, inheritance and finding an only short further life expectancy investors can access in advance its capital employed. In addition, possibility now at one time installation a general notice after the 5th year. Also running costs to the part were reduced, expanded audit on all levels as well as the sum of imprisonment reduced to one percent. The responsible of the PROJECT real estate group have altogether a real estate amounting to over EUR 800 million successfully developed, including about 4,000 apartments, over 500 townhouses and single-family homes and over 30 commercial. For PROJECT funds, no single object was negative completed throughout the period.

January Funds

The demand powerful boosts business with closed-end real estate funds for residential real estate. Also the SHB benefit fund. Real estate funds committed in Germany were the hit of the placement year according to the Association of closed-end funds (VGF) 2011. Private investors they could collect 33 percent more equity capital than in the year before, with institutional investors booked even a rise of 72 percent. Total these assets, which include the SHB real estate funds, could grow by 38 percent.

A growing commitment of the insurance industry was also observed. According to 208 million euros in 2010, these drew shares with a volume of 715 million euros last year. Hans Gruber, real estate expert of SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG), sees in it a clear vote in regard to private investors: insurance companies suffer from the little attractive interest rates on the capital market and shy away from the stock market due to the worsening capital adequacy requirements. In closed-end real estate funds rightly see the chance of a safe Good return on investment.” “With regard to exceed residential real estate already the first quarter 2012 with a transaction volume of around 3.5 billion euros all expectations, explains Gruber: 5.8 billion euros were traded In the entire year of 2011.” So that already more than half of the total turnover of the previous year was traded in only three months.” Compared to the period from January to March 2011, the fund initiators were able to achieve a business growth of 135 percent. The sector shows clearly differentiated according to SHB funds expert Hans Gruber Office real estate. On the most important sites of Berlin, Dusseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig and Munich with 645.000 square meters by one percentage point sales remained slightly below previous year’s level.

This must distinction but at the usually very popular sites. According to Gruber have only Cologne, Leipzig and Frankfurt am Main an increase of up to 115 percent to retract. All other cities have, however, also on high Level recorded a minus. “However, this is only a snapshot, explains Hans Gruber SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG): the stable Constitution of German companies and confident predictions of future economic development are clear indicators for the future development of the market of Office.” However, a balancing act between the interests of the tenants and the landlord must be made increasingly. While the former wanted to stay increasingly flexible and placed emphasis on shorter terms, the latter with regard to the expected rental income had a considerable security needs.

Thomas Vogel Investments

We Germans are although the Europeans with the highest income and save a lot. Wiesbaden, 18.07.2013. We are still behind in comparison to Europe. The European Central Bank has investigated this as an example in a large-scale study. The result is quite sobering: we save incorrectly and live for rent, while others pay off their homes.

Actually we are in Europe with an ownership ratio of just over 40% more stragglers. And as regards the choice of capital formation, we even like to rely on safe investments such as savings, & co. money of day – and lose money for years. Because they no longer beat the rate of inflation for a long time. An example should make this clear: an average day money account is currently an interest rate of 0.47 percent. The inflation rate is calculated – but – about the year at 1.8 percent. In 52.7 years you would have at this plant”although 12,804 euro on the account, if you had originally invested 10,000 euros.

They were only 5000 Euro value, because of the rise in consumer prices would have eaten the rest now. It is clear that this procedure literally no flower pot to win. And we want to not even talk of asset building in view of such unique numbers. Just real estate investments can run counter to this trend because they offer advantages in many ways,”explains Thomas Vogel, Managing Director of NPL select Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH. The fact is: If you think an acquisition of direct ownership, finds good financing conditions. Assuming the credit right. Also rents rise pretty much parallel to the rate of inflation, so provide a good balance. And the above effect can of course turn around: so will the monetary loss for that recorded debt are in fact less, namely by the amount of the purchase price strength decreases. The people in Germany know that after all is them saving for homeownership so important as most recently in 2007. That comes to this result at least Institute TNS infratest on behalf of private building societies. For the home ownership savings goal voted in 54 percent of the 2,000 respondents of different income and age groups. But beyond the direct system, which uberfordere many as a result of the required capital, there would be alternatives, says Thomas Vogel. He specializes with his company the marketing of investment alternatives, which indirectly benefit from the real estate market and thereby represent a welcome alternative because of attractive returns for savers and investors of one time. The offered investments offer maximum flexibility in the design unless it in terms of the investment amount or with regard to the term. Real estate investments are now even important for asset accumulation”, says the Managing Director of NPL Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH. Not only this regards, he will have currently little dissent.

Tablet PC Banking

The new multi channel banking: The need for a boosting of the Q1 is erkannton bbw marketing many of today’s business models are in flux. This primarily concerns trade, but also the banks and savings banks are by no means excluded. There are of course the bank branches in the previous form for discussion in this context. The branches are still in favor of customers, especially since usually very sensitive treated considerations and transactions in connection with money. To set information on the money not even just on Facebook or on the Internet. If also the branch network is provided by the banks and savings banks are currently not in question, so it has recognised the need for a boosting of the Q1 yet. In the context, you can see enormous future potential particularly in medial networking. The implementation must however else stand on the banks as grip concepts.

Concepts for the growing online and mobile banking, as well as for the Multi channel strategies. The traditional bank branch is at the desired locations for banking according to the results of the carried out currently bbw valido survey with 69 percent with a personal consultant is still at the top. Close behind, banking on the Internet already follows with 56 percent of the mentions. The ATM of the Bank branch received 32 percent of the mentions. 23 Percent of respondents would like settle their banking at home with the Bank Manager to. Home by phone or fax 11 percent of all investors want to settle their financial transactions, also the proportion, which spatially unbound with the Smartphone, iPhone or want to do Tablet PC via the mobile banking banking is equal. At the gas station or in the supermarket or department store only 3 per cent of all respondents would like handle banking. While the banking should here confined to withdrawals of funds.