Tag Archives: science

Extraterrestrial Civilizations

Stephen Hawking argues that humanity could expose themselves to mortal danger, are actively trying to contact extraterrestrial civilizations (SETI). I have at least 5 reasons to prove that he was wrong. Hawking says that "If an extraterrestrial civilization will fly to visit us, the result is the same as we had when Columbus landed in America, which was inhabited by Native Americans." He argues that extraterrestrial intelligence, simply the research process can destroy us. David Brin, to paraphrase the argument of Hawking says, "All sentient beings are, in fact, the consumers of resources, inventing ourselves new goals, desires and ambitions, with the new level available power. If they want to use our solar system, for which a super, our complaints to them will be no more complaints of ants, protesting against the construction of parking lots. According to Richard LeFrak, who has experience with these questions. " Better to remain silent that would not attract unwanted alien elements. Several States, has picked up these ideas, as well as eminent scientists added their two cents worth, such as Robin Hanson, Julian Savulescu, as well as Paul Davies and many others. But what I affects the most, what everyone interprets everything differently. Learn more at: Clayton Morris.

1. If extraterrestrial intelligence would, he would have flown in to us. Fermi paradox, recalled that our galaxy could be colonized many times before. We're on the show late. Secondly, let's take a moment to stop and think about the nature of civilization, which has the potential for interstellar travel. We're talking about a civilization that (1) survive in the technological sense, (2) has at its disposal molecular nanotechnology, radically advanced artificial intelligence, (3) made the transition from biological evolution to digital (believe me, at this level of intelligence will not be on a biological basis, and spare me outdated scenarios civilizations).


The sale of gifts by internet business grows gradually according to the demand of the market. This category is favored by several factors that have direct effect with this sudden boom. Special dates, birthdays, Christmas, among others, are reasons enough to search for gifts of Peru, even if you are in another city or country. The variety of products that can be found in the category of gifts of Peru can include toys (of all kinds), beverage, floral arrangements, personal accessories, etc. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Clayton Morris on most websites. One of the main advantages of making purchases over the internet is the availability of the service.

Usually this type of business work 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Therefore there is no valid excuse to say that I did not have time to purchase the gift or not found what you wanted. We can find almost everything we look for in internet, more even in this type of websites that offer a good service. Peru is a country with a rich history and many cultures. In each city you visit you will find a product that He characterized the region and usually at low prices. However, if you don’t have the opportunity to travel and buy the perfect present, you have the option of making purchases over the internet, always checking the authenticity of the place.

It should be mentioned that the business of selling Internet gifts from Peru not yet widespread in much of the population. Only the sector with access to technology can count on this service in a fast and easy way. Surprise your loved ones with the perfect gift.

Nexans Germany

The year’s 45th national competition is the Foundation “youth research” out e.V. together with ThyssenKrupp AG from 13 to 15 May 2009 in Essen. We are committed to youth research, because we want to help the youth to realize their own future with its technical possibilities. Together with the youth of today, we develop the future it – our children – are living in the”Dr. Francis Krahenbuhl, Chief Executive Officer of Nexans Germany GmbH.

our support of the youth research dash is just one example, the early contact with schools and universities is as important to us. Finally we want to present as early as possible ourselves as an attractive employer our future employees”, adds Jutta van, spokeswoman Nexans Germany. That education is not a product, but rather an ongoing process, proves also the cable expert his national and international continuing education programs such as leadership development and the Nexans University”. Photo caption: The youth discovered new worlds the official poster of youth research 2010. About 5,000 research projects in the areas of workplace, biology, chemistry, Earth and space sciences, mathematics/computer science, physics and technology are for the competition Jugend forscht 2010 has been filed. Nexans Germany of Nexans Germany is one of the leading cable manufacturers in Europe.

The company offers a comprehensive range of high-performance cables, systems and components for the telecommunications and energy sectors. The programme is rounded off by superconducting materials and components, Cryoflex transfer systems and special machines for the cable industry. It is made in Germany and abroad with approx. 6.240 employees. The turnover is approx. EUR 936 million in 2008. Through the tight integration of the Nexans group Nexans Germany has excellent opportunities for the synergies in all areas of the group. The same is true for global projects as well as for research and development, exchange of know-how, etc.

IBM Research Density

Such technologies are necessary to keep pace with the explosion of digital information”, says Evangelos Eleftheriou, IBM Fellow and Director of storage technology research at IBM Research Zurich. IBM is in a unique position to assist customers in the backup, storage, and analysis of rapidly growing volumes of data and to help them to improve their efficiency and profitability.” Because: long-term storage has become an absolute must for users at relatively low cost. Data are often in automated tape libraries tape recorded, in which a or some a few tape drives manage dozens to thousands of tapes. Tape libraries can now petabytes of data include representing millions of gigabytes. An examination of the cost per gigabyte shows that the costs for the long term storage of data on tape-based systems, Depending on their size, currently are one-fifth to one-tenth of today’s disk storage systems. In addition, tape cartridges cause no power consumption, as long as not they accessed, in contrast to the continuously rotating disks. This offers further potential for cost savings and make the most energy efficient off-the-shelf storage technology tape systems. The current density demonstration is based on several important technical improvements.

25 times more data tracks on the unchanged 0.5 inch wide band could be accommodated through a precise positioning of the read and write heads. A great progress was also made in the detection ability of the individual bits, which allowed a 50 percent increase of the linear density. Another crucial factor was the use of a new, low-friction read and stylus. Almaden, this was developed research at IBM, based on close cooperation with FUJIFILM in the development of new storage media. IBM has had a long Tradition of innovation in tape storage technology. The first commercial IBM tape storage product, the IBM 726 magnetic tape unit was announced about 60 years ago. It also used band roles with a range of about a half an inch, reaching a capacity of approximately 2 megabytes.

Today announced band storage density would correspond to the 17.5 millions capacity of this first band role. (1) the record density was achieved at a typical speed of 2 meters per second, and the obtained error rates are correctable with standard error correction method and meet IBM’s specifications for LTO 4 products. (2) at this calculation, a 12-percent increase in the length of the band adopted the reduced Strip thickness from the results. 3) rounded up from 43.75 further information please refer to the English-speaking media release: news /… You can download high-resolution images online: photos/ibm. More information about IBM Research – Zurich Learn more about FUJIFILM video “IBM research sets new record in magnetic tape data density” IBM Austria

What Is The Rubber?

Rubber as a universal material rubber is a heavily destructible and elastic very resistant fabric. The main ingredient is rubber. This substance is extracted from the Kautschikbaum and was the best for the production of rubber. Rubber is versatile and nowadays hardly to think away from everyday life. Rubber rings are used, for example, as seals for valves o.a.

and one can find it everywhere. The rubber is processed using much pressure and heat to rubber. The result is a long rubber band which is then cut into pieces. A large part of the produced rubber ends up ultimately in Tyre production. Be there to handle different types of rubber and the different rubber bands are then pressed together to the tread of the tyre. Unfortunately, rubber is not unlimited can be, because rubber rings or erasers after some time become brittle and may break eventually. If the rubber is too old, it is no longer elastic and thus loses the characteristics of the material.

Rubber will soften under the influence of heat and finally liquid. In this manner, for example round shapes can be cast. Rubber is very resilient and flexible, but when a parent suspects the substance can tear or burst like the balloon. If the material is stretched such as during a long rubber band in the gym, it shrinks back after relieving on the output size. Rubber is a substance which is no longer indispensable in our industry. There are sealing our window or car tires, everywhere we find this material in the various versions. You could continue the uses for rubber in an endlessly long list here.

Aeronautics Inventors

While in the field of air cargo around the world is completely dominated by airplane aviation, airships are not exhausted its potential. Used in construction of modern Dirigibles technologies, as well as a clear idea of strengths of these aircraft makes them promising to perform many types of traffic. Balloon and airship since the construction of the balloon brothers Montgolfier in Europe and America found many ways to use balloons for almost more useful purposes than providing exciting ballooning rides. Balloon-balloon may be more or less successfully maneuvered vertically only by changing the aerostatic lift. But in the horizontal plane of the free balloon can only drift with the wind. Now, as more than two hundred years ago, balloon remains predominantly exercise equipment and a tool for research. Another thing – run balloon or airship.

From the outset, the history of aeronautics inventors have tried to rid Balloons of unconditional dependence on non-permanent flow. But this was only after the establishment of internal combustion engines. The first third of the twentieth century was a time of intensive progress of aviation and airship. Swansong steel Zeppelin. These aircraft are already able to handle regular passenger line of great length, including the transatlantic. But some of the largest airship disasters have led to what the late thirties of the twentieth century for several decades with Dirigibles no longer bind any prospects. The more so by the time the success of aircraft heavier than air – airplanes and helicopters later – completely overshadowed from public scrutiny.