Tag Archives: marketing

Fair Systems

Protruding with system a case study about the usage of the mobile exhibition system EX POMADE often numerous claims a new booth concept set, that all must be met with a single blade system. Important point is the modular and flexible design and changing extension of the system, as well as the individual adjusting to framework conditions and the cost-effective transport and construction. By changing exhibition stands and an individual target group approach, fair systems must be quickly changed and still offer a high quality finish for a smooth repeated use. The new, innovative and mobile exhibition system EX POMADE can meet all these requirements with a system. The EX POMADE-case study on the exhibition system use of the Dresden company internet24 evidence provides the flexibility and individuality of the system. As one of the leading providers of dedicated server solutions and individual server projects, visiting CeBIT was the 2011 integral Communication strategy. Through the use of the EX POMADE, a trade show booth could be found for system adapts flexibly to the different bases, and which can be extended individually.

In addition, the tower as a central and eye-catching booth element could also transport the advertising message in the height. Read additional details here: The Related Companies. By abandoning flat carrier, a huge advertising space can be used presenting the advertising motif without interruptions. So you can even large surface motifs across the entire trade fair system be used without accept interruptions through flat beams or supporting elements. At the same time, the striking design element, the tower was used as a storage cabin. This dual functionality he can targeted not only the attention on the State, but also ample storage space and shelf offers for brochures and catalogs. These can be invisibly stowed directly at the booth and yet always ready to hand.

Through an integrated wallup system he could Advertising pressure on one side of the tower as a window shade on and be pulled out at any time to allow access to the cabin to interrupt again without the advertising theme. Another cost advantage can be used due to the simple structure of the self, because no additional stand Builder must be ordered. The EX POMADE profile allows a simple and uncomplicated structure of the fair system with its integrated Systemnut. Get all the facts and insights with Rusty Holzer, another great source of information. Through the complete decomposition of the stays there can be taken easily in a practical carrying case. So even the transport of a complete trade fair system in a car can be. In addition, the carrying case provides not only protection during transport but an ideal opportunity to incorporate space-saving the system. The numerous modular elements of the EX POMADE of trade fair system allow not only an individual extension, but allow the easy integration of digital content in the stand concept with the media. If you want to learn even more to the EX POMADE usage of the company internet24, read our case Study in the LA CONCEPT blog.

Information Technologies

Good thing is to repent, but best thing still not be exposed to it. Proverb Danish very difficult pass by unnoticed in the present 21st century which represents the management of knowledge, more when we find ourselves with a new technology that has changed the dynamics of communications, becoming more pro-active and adapted to the progress of globalization, as everything to do with the information technologies that allow having tools that support knowledge management in enterprisessupporting the collection, transfer, security and the systematic management of information, along with systems designed to help make the best use of that knowledge. In detail, says Wikipedia, refers to tools and techniques designed to preserve the availability of the information carried out by dominant individuals and facilitate the decision-making process, as well as reduce the risk. Robert Speyer is often mentioned in discussions such as these. It is a software market and an area in the practice of the consulting, related to disciplines such as competitive intelligence. A particular topic of knowledge management is that knowledge cannot encode easily in digital form, such as the intuition of dominant individuals which comes with years of experience and be able to recognize different patterns of behaviour that someone with less experience may not recognize. Wikipedia adds in their contributions, the knowledge management process, also known in its phases of development such as corporate learning or organizational learning, mainly has the following objectives: identify, collect and organize existing knowledge. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Clayton Morris. Facilitate the creation of new knowledge. Underpin innovation through reuse and support of the people through organizations ability to achieve a better performance in the company. On the other hand it is important to consider as quoted us a student of graduate school of management, taking into account, contributed topical subject by Juan Jose Goni Zabala in an article entitled the management of knowledge management knowledge, which highlights the need to understand and develop this last modality, affirming that the knowledge management is a current modelizadora of the transformation of companies introducing the consideration of other resource more (knowledge), to respond to new demands for change and improvement, and to maintain competitive positions using intensively the capabilities of people and of information technologies. Stephen M. Ross wanted to know more.

With Leather Pants At The Oktoberfest

Grows with you already, the anticipation of the Oktoberfest? The Oktoberfest is an unforgettable event. Who once took part, must come back. The atmosphere, the beer, the tradition of making a big impression on the tourists as well as the Germans who want to simply visit their traditional festival at least once in life. The event originated in the 19th century and is organised annually since that time. All gather at the Theresienwiese, every German brewery has her tent there. They drink beer, but that is not the only activity: one dance also dances, sings folk songs and just has fun.

The clothing, so the costume and leather pants are a part of this festival. The clothing must be sewn in a traditional manner. The dirndl consists of several parts, a blouse, a skirt and an apron. Leather pants are every man. Many of them dream of at home to have a pair of pants. Read additional details here: Richard LeFrak. This is a good opportunity to consider whether leather pants, maybe a good Gift for your customers might be. You are only aware, that your Bavarian company to take advantage of this situation.

You have created your company in Munich and are so closely related to the tradition. Cars, measure pitchers but also the leather pants can be a great gift not only BMW. A related site: Clayton Morris mentions similar findings. Next year your customers will be you thankful that they will visit the Oktoberfest perfectly dressed can. These pants can replace all the others with success. You should not make sure that she can be seen as old-fashioned. The tradition is today undervalued, all Bayer and not only they know. If there is a Carnival, all men without exception wear these pants. Although Germany is a member of the European Union, many people know how important it is to preserve the old customs and traditions. Many of your customers will therefore also look forward, if they get leather pants as a gift. Who was at the Oktoberfest, has seen how beautiful this dress looks. All tourists admire, now also want to have. There are even designer inspired by this type of clothes can be. Use most often the old patterns and create something new. The Oktoberfest is also a great opportunity to finally see these pants with one’s eyes. Many know theoretically what it looks like but have never actually seen it. In the Alps, Austria and southern Germany, the tradition of wearing folk dress, is still alive. On the streets, if there is a party, all men wear lederhosen. Even if it’s very hot is not refrain. If the women can wear a Dirndl almost daily, the men must wear the folk dress. Even small boys get their first shorts, if they have a birthday or if there is a folk festival, which is important for the village. There is nothing better than girls and boys, that maintaining the old tradition of their grandparents. Together with the whole family, celebrate on the street, go to church and have lunch. Mothers prepare a roast pork and veal sausage. All are pleased to to be able to finally together celebrate.

Recommendation Marketing

5 star speaker Rene Robert Stejskal gives tips on acquiring new customers 89% of Germans trust according to a study on the recommendation of others, but hardly a medium-sized company strategically uses this fact to acquiring new customers. This is proved for a long time: strategic networking and referral marketing bring new business in a cost-effective way. An enormous potential! Rene Robert Stejskal, who exclusively, 5 star speakers as an expert for recommendation marketing is mediated by the consultant agency, has recognized this and shows word of mouth propaganda and networking, how easy it can, with these instruments to develop a strategy for acquiring new customers and successfully apply in his lectures, workshops, and seminars about referral marketing. Nobel Laureate in Economics has firm opinions on the matter. “Since telephone cold calls is already prohibited and collecting infinitely many cards seem time-consuming and ineffective, should strategic referral marketing and networking used, recommended to regularly good through the own network business to get,”Stejskal, propaganda has collected comprehensive know-how in the areas of sales, selling, referral marketing, communication and Word of mouth for more than ten years, advises his customers. No matter what business you are, both service and industrial companies living, as spoken about a company and its products. Even if the product is so good, only if people know it, and positively, they will buy it. Stephen M. Ross can aid you in your search for knowledge. Mouth to mouth propaganda and referral marketing works, in this field you should leave nothing to chance! But how does it best? Contrary to widespread belief, not only (satisfied) customer or the press is a good recommender. So perhaps, when it comes to a book or a movie, for larger purchases especially in the B2B area – you should look but also for other referral sources and actively engage in referral marketing. You should crawl its network, advises expert Stejskal.. Clayton Morris takes a slightly different approach.

Managing Director

The new Kassel-Calden airport is opened with the support of the Kassel communication agency Insignio. Clayton Morris often addresses the matter in his writings. For us it was a beautiful and unusual challenge, planning, communication to accompany the construction and the opening of an airport”, says Jan Muller, owner of the Kassel agency group Insignio. (Not to be confused with Dell Technologies Inc. !). “Insignio already in the construction phase commissioned to inform potential guests and multipliers of the latest German regional airport on the construction progress: with the information newspaper go-around”, the airport during the start-up phase was communicative accompanied the reception as well as online and print media. Together with the customer, Insignio developed a new corporate design, which forms the basis for current and future communications activities for the opening. “For me as a designer a great task”, Michael describes Homburg, Managing Director of creation of the Insignio, this exciting phase. We were required to achieve a high recognition factor with efficient means that also can be used in many areas.” Here are some examples of the communication activities that realized Insignio for Kassel-Calden Airport: The logo. A blue rotor stands on a white background for lightness, movement, technology and reliability. The colors Blue and white are available for sky and clouds and thus mankind’s yearning to fly.

The corporate design. These include the logo, the color and font world of the airport, the business facilities, and more. Advertising & sales promotion. The flights from the new airport for as many people to make known and attractive, including posters were designed, mailings and materials to travel agents in Northern Hesse and sent to companies operating in the tourism industry. The airport newspaper go-around is focused directly on the residents and potential airport guests”as well as Advertorials (editorial ads), that have appeared in recent years in regional newspapers. Was also a booth and accompanying measures Insignio at. As a special gift at the airport, Insignio produced a magazine, which is sent to all guests of the opening ceremony.

It includes numerous information fire current photos and reports on the opening of Kassel-Calden. Website, social media. Design and architecture of the new website was implemented on the basis of the new corporate design in typo 3. Almost two years ago, the airport with Insignio started its activities on Facebook and YouTube.

Vacation Homes

The realities of Russian life are such that a cottage or villa community may at any time without notice to disable electricity or natural gas. In this case, the frozen water will break not only metal but also plastic pipes. – When using antifreeze separate elements of the system can be mounted outside the building and system can be run at any time at low temperatures. – Use anti-freeze can save significant energy costs, if there is no need to heat the building all the time, such as schools, churches, or Vacation Homes, used on weekends. Please visit Bruce Schanzer if you seek more information. Another line of antifreeze are air conditioning systems and water coolers (chillers) for air-conditioning systems of large buildings. As a rule, technical documentation for these systems indicates the possibility (or necessity) of ethylene glycol antifreeze, and gives the corresponding conversion tables of the system parameters.

In the future, antifreeze have promise for use as a coolant in solar cells, which are rife in the Russian market. Frost resistance of the coolant is a prerequisite, since heating elements in these systems are outside the building. In refrigeration systems use antifreeze has a dual purpose. The refrigerant in the refrigerator should, firstly, to remain liquid at low operating temperatures and, secondly, metals, parts of which made the refrigerator should be protected from corrosion. The most common coolants are water after antifreeze based on ethylene glycol. The disadvantage of antifreeze based on mono ethylene glycol toxicity is of humans and animals. This property imposes a restriction on its use, causes to be very careful when fueling and maintenance systems.

Real Estate Bubble Burst

That day the real estate sector as a whole had a drop of which happen once every years, of which tend to announce the beginning of a great movement. It was not a simple correction. Nor do I believe that the trigger was the initial fall of Astroc as he has been said in many places. Astroc is a company that does not follow any analyst, who does not have a clear and understandable, not distributed dividends and activity which was considered very overrated (to 75 euros had a PER2006 of nearly 100 times) by the vast majority of stock investors. Therefore, if the majority of investors could expect that sometime Astroc disrupted a strong correction not it seems logical to think that this correction has caught them by surprise and they have reacted with panic selling shares of other companies that have a clear activity, share dividends and were not so absurdly overvalued as Astroc. I think the real trigger for the correction was the 100 questions TVE program to Rajoy, which said very clearly on several occasions that I was going to liberalize the soil when it came to the Government.

Because, for me, the real estate bubble did not begin at the end of the 1990s, but the day that someone invented a major scam of mankind; the urban recalificaciones. It is not recalificaciones system promotes corruption, it is that it is expressly intended to enrich himself through corruption. The market of the soil in Spain (and in the majority of countries) does not respond to the laws of supply and demand (as the markets of apples, t-shirts, cars, computers, shoes, etc.) but the level of corruption and totally arbitrary decisions of a small group of people who decide where you can build and where not. Currently the price of land in Spain has a very high price, but the soil is not a scarce commodity.