By the fact that the funds invest in at least 15 objects, this concept offers a unique opportunity of the dispersion of real estate. For fund investors, yields are expected from 7% to 12% after all costs. Hurdle rate for PROJECT profit participation by 8 to 12 per cent of the economic success of our raised so far our system is confirmed funds set up. Our confidence in the success of our concept of development is very high, which is why we have raised the hurdle rate at the object level by 8 to 12 per cent. Only when above and beyond winning a proportion flows up to one-fifth, on the management of PROJECT”, so Wolfgang Dippold, managing partner of the PROJECT Fund group. PROJECT funds waive consistently financing at all levels, which is why the investors through the lastenfreie land of the objects are secured to exclude all risks associated with financing. But other provisions to stabilize the PROJECT funds: these are the waiver of interim profit of the initiator object purchasing, clearly fixed investment criteria in the object selection, diversification of the Fund’s capital in at least 15 objects per Fund and the specialization in the five Metropolitan Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Nuremberg and Munich. More flexibility for investors more than ever has PROJECT in Fund designing the new real values Fund 11 12 taking into account the needs of investors.
So it was not only reporting improved reports from half-yearly to quarterly published Fund, but introduced an additional special termination option in defined emergency situations. Unemployment, disability, divorce, inheritance and finding an only short further life expectancy investors can access in advance its capital employed. In addition, possibility now at one time installation a general notice after the 5th year. Also running costs to the part were reduced, expanded audit on all levels as well as the sum of imprisonment reduced to one percent. The responsible of the PROJECT real estate group have altogether a real estate amounting to over EUR 800 million successfully developed, including about 4,000 apartments, over 500 townhouses and single-family homes and over 30 commercial. For PROJECT funds, no single object was negative completed throughout the period.