USA and Canada have promoted for focused political decades of immigration to attract global talent. Some examples of the magnificent results that these policies have reaped are that 52% of the companies in Silicon Valley were created by immigrants and 25% of all U.S. patents are signed by foreigners. The other side of the coin is Europe, where the majority of immigrants do not have qualification, diplomatic formalities are endless and the importation of senior officials is almost impossible task. In times of crisis, in which everyone is aware of the need to support and promote the talent would make sense that he thought on enhancing this kind of measures to combat the crisis and that really will solve long-term problems.

On 23 October 2007 the European Commission presented a formal project to countries members of the Union to encourage the legal immigration of qualified workers in different work areas, this project was called blue card, inspired the Green card North America, to grant residence permits of urgency for this group of workers. However, more than one year and half later, approval has no date and the global economic crisis has changed the landscape in a dramatic way. It may be time to start thinking in Spain in long-term effective proposals and set aside billions of euros in disputed impact measures, such as the 2.5 billion dedicated to improving the efficiency of housing and hotels.