Laminate flooring – modern decoration materials. Laminate flooring refers to artificial flooring, which has won great popularity thanks to a quick and relatively clean floor finish. Even 10 years ago, select laminate Russian market is limited mainly to two or three foreign manufacturers, which offered very similar in properties and decor panel laminate. Among these companies certainly stand firm and Kronoteks Tarket. In 2009, , our company has been cooperating with 20 manufacturers of laminate flooring and panels, among them the German flagship, the Russian plants working on behalf of European producers, as well as dozens of Chinese factories which began to offer good quality products worldwide. With the increasing number of producers increases and an assortment of laminate flooring. There are new patterns, gaining a laminate 33 classes, which for strength and life is not inferior to the parquet.
New forms of laminate flooring. New trend – it is a laminate in the form of ceramic tiles that can be used in the hallway or the kitchen with new vodootalkivayuschim coating and impregnation for joints. A common question – what is a laminate can be used in the kitchen? or in the hallway where many people are constantly taking place. Originally, laminate classes 2 and 3. Laminate Class 2 was designed for domestic use. Such as 21 – for the bedroom, where almost nobody goes, 22 – for more than passable rooms, a 23 – room suites lih corridors, where the largest cross in the day. But now you are on any market or shop will not find a laminate 21.22 or 23 classes.
Their replaced laminates. which were originally intended for commercial premises. It laminates 31, 32 and 33 classes. In accordance with the domestic class of 31 – for rooms with a small cross. 32 – for premises where people reside and laminate is under load. And 33 class – for the most traversed areas – conference rooms, lounges and podoyunye premises. Even the 1931 class are buying less and less. 32 and 33 classes remain on the market. 32 class copes with any accommodation and the laminate 33 classes for several years perfectly performs its functions in many commercial. Right now every manufacturer has a laminate 33 classes. It is a laminate with such a class Friability used for the manufacture of new form factors – is often an imitation of ceramic tiles and wooden boards.