Sale of States is a term in the world of auctions which usually refers to a house or the sale of content assets. This can also refer to a sale of inheritance, and is usually a large event in terms of items offered for sale. As articles represent a content of a House, they often cover a very wide range of furniture, art and antiques, ephemeral paper and all the way to the headings of all households the days that fall within a broad category of decorative objects. When an owner of a State or of those who inherited the content, go to the task of selling the property always faced a series of questions: a. where selling the collection? b.

How should the collection being sold in one or separate into groups of similar items? c. where to find an expert who can properly assess all the elements and not just simply apply a generic value to groups of articles? The easiest way for a sale of the contents of a House is a local auction house. Major international auctioneers of which we hear in the news only handled collections specialists in rare articles and of good quality, and this is why they are divided into strict categories, such as: 19th century furniture, oil paintings of old masters, watercolors, Oriental ceramics and works of art and carpets, glass, books and manuscripts, and many more. A different Department would normally lead a sales specialist and the great auction houses each have about a hundred departments. And because they have a huge number of specialists that have to be paid, they cannot afford the acceptance of small valuable items (e) introduce a threshold, usually between 2,000- 5,000. Therefore, they are unable to handle or even come and look at the contents of a general House. When this comes to local auctions, most of them basically exist thanks to the sales of local States.