Dear residents of Moscow, specifically South-east district of the capital, district of. I want to tell you that in the 'Kuzmik' was made illegal the creation of HOAs (homeowners). Residents apartment buildings do not even know what it is, what is threatened and that their house is already in the hoa. Inclusion in the hoa was made to bypass all laws, without notice to tenants, with fake signatures and a flagrant violation of Russian legislation. What is the hoa.
This homeowners' associations. Legally registered association of apartment owners, who elect a chairman and hire a management accountant. The board meets with residents money various repair of employees. What is wrong here? After all, the chairman will hire workers more cheaply and to exercise control over the performance of work. The house will be order. Maybe your homeowners lucky and everything goes, as said.
However, adopted a new Housing Code. His main task – to fully withdraw from the government cares about the houses of citizens, to give all public services to private offices. What does this mean? For example, will have its own expense carry out major repairs. And what you pay for this state for many years no one cares. Who's the Boss? Each will be the owner – the landlord. He will have to pay for the hiring of apartments, even . little he did not ask. After buying back the house, in order to make a profit from them. To have a roof over your head, for an apartment have to be given as needed.