At the current moment, similar fact this being made in the city, is the project of the local public power, that aims at the process of revitalizao of the Cnego Joo Rasp, the avenue that concentrates the biggest parcel deals of it. This reform will attribute to this space a new value to the property, causing an increase in the prices of the property and its respective ones you rent. This reform causes a real estate speculation, parallel fact will happen in this game, that will be expulsion of the small traders of this area for not having conditions to pay the new value rents of them or (IPTU), fruit of the urban reforms in this place.

The areas noblest of the city can quickly be perceived, when visualizing the urban landscape of these localities produced socially in the time; an apparent fact is its residences, that have bigger dimensions, and innovative style, showing to the purchasing power of its proprietors when planning the construction saw professionals of the area (engineer and architect). The constructed area surpasses 200m, the spaces is reserved for gardens and swimming pools, great walls with its property surrounds electric delimiting all, and these residents have, generally, of 1 the 2 cars in its garages. These facts show the characteristics of these habitations of these noble areas, and at the same time exemplifica, the value of these areas for the constructions and social content and infrastructure dispatch by post for State, generating with this one ‘ ‘ localizao’ ‘ this in turn will increase the value of the property, becoming these areas each more homogeneous time. These noble areas show the division of the urban Space for the purchasing power of its population. That in other words it wants to say residential segregation, that in turn sends social division to it of the space, according to social classroom of the society..