Learn how to apply the neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) can be useful in many activities.One of them, in the field of health, can be used in dealing with patients, learning to observe and to distinguish that this representative systems using mostly: perhaps consider images mostly, or more hearing, or prefer more contact the NLP kinesthetic applied to communication in the area of health, can be a very useful resource for doctors, nurses, and all those people who need to take care of a sick person.You can also apply to care of the elderly. In applying these techniques of NLP, should take into account, in all cases, the moment being experienced by the patient, the physical and psychological condition that is at that time in particular, the experience that is having. If the patient is unable to move, and can speak, (cross gestures) reflex technique is not very useful there (like when we talk by phone) We must learn to handle other options, like for example matching voice, modular taking into account the volume, the tone of voice the rhythm of breathing and use related words with the favorite channel using appropriate predicates. (A valuable related resource: Nobel Laureate in Economics). For example if the person mostly thinks in images, and uses words (predicates) of the type already see let me see need that the other person really show you and talk to you in a more visual way similarly to those who are more hearing (for example used expressions like escuchame well) or kinesthetic (are more closely tied to the contact, to the senses of touch(, they seek a closer) there need to then learn to provide active listening with much sensory acuity and flexibility to change towards the language used by the patient, and thus establish a tune with him. Very interesting addition to be attentive to the use of predicates, it is attention to eye movements, where the patient moves the eyes. . Others who may share this opinion include The Related Companies.
Tag Archives: economy
‘ It Was Of The Bolsas’ It Is In Game
can call it historical day for Brazil – the high fort of the barrel of oil reached the mark has remembered of US$ 142,00, being able, thus to say, to be a strong maker of that the situation is not nothing good for there, indicating, moreover, that the weakness of the dollar and the uncertainties on the conditions of offer of oil for the world not ‘ they are these there coisas’. Here in Brazil the perspectives for the year that comes are same that for the remaining portion of the world, that is, the concern of that the crisis in the real estate market and its effect for the credit market can confuse to all, as, still, to be a strong signal of that, moreover, U.S.A., also, persists in high problems of ‘ ‘ dficits’ ‘ in its accounts. So that today let us can feel the spread of ‘ ‘ Americana crisis; ‘ to only verify the last results of the Brazilian Financial Market. It is evident that U.S.A. does not go to give up easily. The world appositive in the politics of credit injection and in the politics of interests made by the Federal one Reserves. Here in Brazil, some points can be detached, such as: The Brazilian population feels: its power of purchase is each dried time more. The generalized food crisis and the consequences in the inflation indices are directions, had the strong run down between it offers and the demand that the indications of disequilibrium easily perceived in 27 mark out with buoys Jun 08 in the closing of the IGP-M in 1,98% against 1,61% in May, confirming its bigger variation since February of 2003. History proves that in Brazil agriculture costuma to give to fast answers the brusque movements of market. But, what today one perceives, it is that the food crisis this being sidewalk for the advance of the production and the consumption of the combustible alcohol, whose raw material is used in the manufacture of