Tag Archives: psychology

Running Over

Often I get a letter in which I asked: "Why is it so hard to see out of his problem?". Stephen M. Ross insists that this is the case. And really, is it possible to be able to look at your life from, and see the turning point when I started to occur challenge and to alter their actions, while changing life circumstances. In practice, it is very difficult to do. Man falls into this "hung" state in the following cases: He "Blind kitten," moving through life without a certain direction; He "marks" on someone else's place; It is under someone – then the influence; He does not live their lives; He "hangs" at the point of choice. The first case manifestation of the "problem state" is more peculiar to adolescents. Because it is typical for this age group have yet to find their way and place in life.

Although, unfortunately, and adults can get in that position. In such a condition is present inner feeling, "I'm confused," "something you want to change – I do not know what ..?," all the time doing something, but why ..?. In this case, helping friends, time to ask the right questions, even better, if there is a competent psychologist. The person in this situation needs to be thinking about future goals of promotion, awareness of their own life direction, determination of the parameters, "which for me is really important and what is not very. " The second case can be described in one word – jealousy.

Property Development

Physiological point of this psychological process is the formation of temporary ties, reflecting a certain ratio of certain basic conditioned stimuli, forming a common part of all the individual relationships with other similar properties. Just another began to emerge at the level of development of the brain of anthropoids process of psychological analysis and synthesis dramatically sets them apart from all lower in the phylogenetic series of animals, above all, a highly developed subject activity. Anthropoids have able to meet their needs to use, such properties of various objects as the property is extended limb, thus combining into one class of this property, objects such as stick, rope, wire. Official site: Dell Client Solutions. The birth of this process highlights of anthropoids is also the birth of their gun business, ie nucleation ability to attach objects are needed to meet the specific needs of property. For example, breaking the stick from the bush, breaking of her lateral branches, pointed sticks bait, etc.

All this is evidence that the brain of anthropoids is capable of forming a mental image according to which the anthropoid is processing facility, and this image is nothing else but a generalized image of anthropoid relationships with property inherent to a certain number of facilities, property, using that anthropoid meets their needs. However, at the level of development of the brain of anthropoids ability to form generalized images only still in its infancy. Fully developed this ability to reach the level of development brain of one species of fossil man. In the phylogeny of the nervous system of fossil man, eventually emerging brain's ability to form concepts, an ability that reaches its full development at level of development of the human brain of the modern species.


Thus to live become attached to the parents, the family, to the children, is always an attitude well-sight. Already the indifference, in contrast, means not to bind for the parents, the family, the children, at last, for nothing. As consequence, who it acts thus, it is considered a worthless and egoistic person. In the reality, the attachment in them arrests something is of us. We wait to receive through it what we do not give to we ourselves spontaneously.

It appears of the lack of understanding, the respect and the love to our proper one to be (auto-love). Who lives become attached, lives in a capture situation. To have its image idealized in the other when losing loses it the existential referencial, generating for itself, a great existential difficulty. In the deep one, we become attached something or somebody to supply our lacks. Therefore, the attachment limits our interior growth.

We are always to the wait of that the other fills what in the lack. this involves our mind to such point, that it starts to determine our actions and thoughts. We become prisoners of our proper teia of apegos, we judge ourselves incapable to live without it. According to existential autogerenciamento, if will not be understood and surpassed, the attachment will act as an obstacle in the life of a person, hindering it to be independent and free. Happily, in the majority of the cases, the attachment is restricted only to a part of the person, therefore if thus it was not, it would have difficulty in assuming the proper life. On the other hand, the indifference is not a complete resignation to the corporeal properties, since we cannot do without these goods. The true indifference occurs when the value that we give to the things, to objects, the situations and the people never exceeds to the value that we give to we ourselves. To become desaffected is a difficult learning, since the lacks and necessities appear incessantly in our lives. that always we are frustrate, when we do not obtain to get what we desire. If it never forgets! The people are important, but you also have its proper importance.