Sebastian Schwarz is committed to the national campaign of the Red Cross blood transfusion service NSTOB with passion for Thuringia. “It’s scary to hear that often blood are really scarce, because fewer and fewer people donate blood. Unfortunately, it is especially my generation didn’t realize how important that is. With our grandparents, it was almost a matter of course to go to give blood regularly. “My appeal to all: donates blood, because you can’t buy in the drugstore blood!” The young actor Sebastian Schwarz was born on March 16, 1984 in Greiz and grew up here, too. Since 2005, he has lived in Berlin, where he visited the Hochschule fur Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch and works as an actor. “He was so far for television formats like Wilsberg” in front of the camera and was at the Max Ophuls Festival in his first leading film role in Polska Love Serenade “to see. Since the beginning of 2008, he belongs to the solid ensemble of the Berliner Schaubuhne. More information about the campaign with passion for Thuringia”and current Blood donation appointments of the Red Cross blood transfusion service NSTOB are available at on the Internet. Contact for questions regarding this press release: Red Cross blood transfusion service NSTOB Manfred Vietze, advertising manager for Thuringia German Red Cross blood donation service NSTOB gemeinnutzige GmbH Institute Gera road of peace 122 D-07548 Gera phone: + 49 365 82 10-170 fax: + 49 365 82 10-173 E-Mail: PR agency PR4YOU Holger Ballwanz, owner and Managing Director of PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 30 44 67 73 99 email: Internet:
Tag Archives: sports
A Circle Is Closed:
World record holder for world record world record mountain in Oberaudorf returns back in 2004 and 2005 the German exception skier Christian Fluhr set two endurance world record on the Oberaudorfer high angle and even then drove his Austrian rival to the wall. In January, by 13-14 January 2009, the Hocheck will again place of a new stunning world record project. A full circle. High corner and the Kossener mountain Unterberghorn, Christian Fluhr wants to 55.555 altitude downhill rush in 24 hours and thus improve the existing record of an Austrian to approximately 7000 meters. Since this weekend, the lifts run to the Hocheck in Oberaudorf and Christian took himself extensively to the start of the season at his world record mountain.
With the world record project 55.555 “enters the German extreme sportsman completely new territory. This record is not in the collection of Fluhr. This is a completely new challenge, which I would like to master. With the two ski areas in the high corner and lower mountain Horn I’ve found first-class partners for the implementation of the the Make it easier thing.” Reported Fluhr. “Altitude meters eating”, interview by Christian Teamchefin Sabrina Hoever, is two divided: the start in Kossen on January 13, 2009 at exactly 9: 00 will take place. Fluhr will continue again and again the 860 metres with the gondola on the lower mountain Horn, to collect as many meters for the second half in its slopes, because when it gets dark, it goes to the world record mountain Hocheck.
There just something more than 300 meters per trip available Fluhr high corner Express, but the runway is lit in the night Fairgrounds for the world record attempt. The two ski areas within and beyond the Bavarian Tyrolean border apart just a few miles outside the gates of Kufstein. The preliminary planning have already started in the ski areas. We want to help in every case Christian as well, then our lifts are running full throttle and the piste will be in a State of 1a. The world record attempt is a community project and we look forward to that Christian again with us go to the start. “Know Hannes Rechenauer, Managing Director of the facilities of of leisure at the Hocheck, also based on the experience in the past, to report. Since December 12, the lifts in Germany’s largest night ski area and for already several weeks in Kossen run already. Perfect snow. This is fun. Winter finally right. Since the anticipation of January will only become greater. “Ruled Christian after his first rides at the season opening.