The General objective of the intervention is the make possible the inclusion in society of persons with which intervenes, understood as the training of the members of the family to move from constructive, critical critic and transformer by the different social networks to which Iran having access in your evolutionary process. If we take into account that each family is unique and unrepeatable, this feature will equip each project its particular peculiarity; so, although we present below a series of specific objectives of global character, they must necessarily adapt to each specific family situation: strengthen and stimulate the capacities and the personal potential of each Member of the family, with the aim of initiating a process of personal improvement that enables to achieve a global improvement family. Get involved form progressive parents assume roles and responsibilities that as such asked society. Integrate to all the people who form the family into your environment, using resources and conventional means it offers. The Areas of work (Lerma, M.; (Mensat, j.
and Colas, C., 1998) will be: family relations: promote proper marital relations, offer adequate reference models, enhance trust with children, adapt family roles and responses to the attitudes of children, parental consistency). Education: Schooling of minors, participation in extraraescolares, prevention activities of school absenteeism. Housing: Adapt the equipment to the needs of the family, facilitate access to housing by lack or inadequacy of which have, to ensure the maintenance of basic services. Education for health: food and hygiene: acquisition of habits of hygiene, monitoring of health status, adequacy of the hours of (I dream of social relations: Leisure and free time: participation in leisure activities and free time, the neighborhood knowledge, understanding of the norms of coexistence organization and Home Economics: Organization of home, distribution and Division of labour, skill in the use of money) Legal and legal: obtaining legal minimum documentation, learn how to navigate autonomously in institutions and labor organizations and professional insertion: Regulation of the labor situation, access to training courses for employment, techniques and support for the search for employment intervention is a cluster of learning situations and the educator must have very clear and systematized what phases and components of the same.