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Interior Design SPA Interior

Design-project areas – allows you to clearly explain to workers what is required of them, which in turn will accelerate the understanding and the process works in general, since it contains all the necessary documentation. Interior Design Apartments – aims to achieve comfort, because the room in which we live, must be not only beautiful but also convenient. Interior design cottage – helps to create not only comfort in his country house, but add to it elegance and consistency of style. Choosing the latter, as a rule, determines the direction of design. The design of the restaurant – gives an opportunity to clearly realize the ideas of creative design in order to create the necessary atmosphere of the restaurant hall and remembered by visitors to their uniqueness. Tishman Speyer often says this. Interior design shop – always able to prove himself as a store and brand as a trusted retailer or manufacturer of the or other products. Indeed, in the minds of consumers shop, made under the exclusive copyright design, will always be a priority compared with other similar products on him. The interior design of the bank – meant to create atmosphere of security and solidity of the institution at which customers would be coming, and with the help of directional style of design to make it clear what principles to the bank.

Interior design business center – helps translate original architectural interior solutions, which in turn accentuate class business center and increase the price of rent, because in this business center will strive to take place under the office only lead companies that care about their image. Interior design cafe or bar – will always be able to give the visitors a comfortable atmosphere and comfort, which is always nice to not only eat but also to spend an evening with friends. Design interior design beauty salon – to be developed so that, being the first minute in such an institution at the visitor evolved a clear conviction that he will get it, why he came here. Office interior design – as well as the interior design of the bank intends to highlight the status and respectability of the company, as well as have the tone and color of the walls, ceilings and furniture that will support the work atmosphere. Interior design boutique – designed to emphasize the expensive, high-quality brand products that are sold in the boutique. Typically, such a design is created using the company colors and tones of this brand or trademark. Interior design and massage salon Interior Design SPA-salon-designed to create an atmosphere of pleasant relaxation (relaxation) to the person who came into this room, want to stay in it not for one hour. Interior Design Entertainment Center – can be very versatile. Much will depend on what entertainment there will be, but in any case, he interior should be really interesting and memorable.

Japanese Style Interior Design

At the heart of the Japanese style in the interior apartments are simple, concise form of furniture, the rejection of superfluous decoration and plenty of space. According to a person of Japanese culture, one flower in a vase on the table – it is quite rather, there should be no overload and attention to be intrusive. Straight clean lines, the minimum number of things – the essence of space is the emptiness that fills it, believe in Japan. And at the same time Japanese interior design is very important to reflect its innuendo, incomplete. In the aesthetics of this culture there is even such a concept (or term) as' yugen ", which stands for craftsmanship and a hint of understatement. Also, however, should be avoided so familiar to Europeans symmetry. Symmetry implies the completeness and perfection, but it is not, believe Japanese people, in the world there is nothing permanent, and its main feature – it's immediacy.

Without a doubt, a Japanese-style interior of the apartment (and not just an apartment – any space) is much more depth and philosophy than any other. It encourages contemplation, making the house quiet and serenity, promotes regularity and sophistication. Great importance in this interior is light, it is here that we can fully reflect the variability and innuendo. It is believed that the coverage of a Japanese home – is Light moonlight, not sunlight, hence the muted and the chamber interior. Particular attention should be paid to the colors and their combinations.

Ceiling Types

Stretch ceilings are finishing material, which can transform the surface of the ceiling a variety of scales and textures. Modern ceilings are of different structure, architecture and color of the finishing material, which is now demand. Seamless stretch ceilings are colors and the ability to translate into any ceiling design. For example, a starry sky or a ceiling with an exclusive portrait. Artistic ceilings will be more expensive in cost, than, for example, high gloss.

Stretch ceilings are of various textures and types: glossy, matte, mirror, art and photo printing. Seamless stretch ceilings are sheet width of 220 cm, if the ceiling is wider standard, the seam weld technological means. They look as a whole. Glossy stretch ceiling. High-gloss ceiling is canvas with mirror effect, what the tone is darker, the better it is reflected. It's more than 200 colors glossy or varnished as they are called.

Dull ceilings. Matt is usually a perfectly smooth and rough on white or other colors. Glossy like plasterboard but, once they level basis with the effect of extended fabric on the ceiling. Stretch ceilings with photo printing. On the surface of the canvas can do anything you like, as well as imprinting photo printing. Causing the bowl photo printing on pvc canvas beige and white. If you want exclusive ceilings, it is possible, draw a figure painter. First manufactured cloth to size, and after the image is drawn by the artist. Cost artistic ceilings on the order of higher than normal. No ordinary Design ceilings give very different architecture, as can be constructed as an oval, and several tier. A lamp, decorated with crystals emphasize the elegance of the forms.

Interior Design

A bit after sitting on their suitcases and having gone through the first euphoria of finally regained a piece of real estate, you decide that no one can properly design interior design All the rooms housing, and that only the owner understands what kind of atmosphere you want to create in his home. There is a large share of equity, because the decoration of the interior – it is very personal and intimate, in that you do not want to let no stranger. Yes, and full compliance with the internal filling an apartment or house the inner world of people living in it can be achieved only if their ideas into reality bring themselves inhabitants. Optimal option might be a situation where the interior design is developed by all members of the family as a whole, each brings to the future environment is something your own, and their personal space draws entirely in under only your tastes and preferences. In this case, you should definitely try to avoid motley decoration of rooms and spaces where, instead of whole songs there is a set of diverse its form and content of the fragments.

Wholeness and completeness of the transmitted sensations is a sign of this, quality of highly detailed designs. This effect can be achieved if the advance to develop a common style of housing space, following the specified tone throughout. All this may seem difficult for an untrained person at first glance, as having good taste and, arriving in harmony with oneself, one can easily estimate the desired result of all creative and design efforts.