Monthly Archives: July 2019

Plank Flooring

Natural substances in line with the trend of the next step in the development of the House was the renovation of the Room in the spring of 2007. Charming, down-to-Earth luxury of the rooms should be worked out even more clearly and quite discreetly integrated modern technology so the requirements of the hotel to the architects. A new, but related idea was to use wood floors made of real wood, for Interalpen, had moved only carpeted floors. The turn toward natural materials is a general trend of the times”, says Wohlfarth. In addition, the architect, real wood, is a high quality and honest material, that insert themselves in the elegant, yet rustic ambience of the hotel. “Gunter Voigt, sales and marketing manager of the Interalpen, added: the guests so we wanted to offer an alternative, that belongs to the service idea of a five-star hotel.” Another factor was the respect for people with allergies, which gains more and more importance in the design of the hotel. As a partner for the conversion, the Interalpen won the Bavarian Wimmer GmbH.

The company chose a name as an expert in the ornate wooden ceiling already years ago Made wood design for the premium segment and manufactures the most expensive Plank Flooring on the market. The peculiarity of their floorboards is meters, which makes it possible, in its impressive length of five to ten to lay over a whole room length. Instead of a piece of work from shocks, as it is short finished floors, the entire image of wood, grain and staining spreads here. Since the whole diameter of the tree trunk is used in the manufacture of boards, each sheet Gets a different width. When laying, an irregular interaction arises from narrower and wider planks, the traditional face of historic floors, as they can be found today in castles or estates.

New DasTelefonbuch Application

DasTelefonbuch is now also available for Android phones Cologne, DasTelefonbuch 24 November 2009 there is now available for Android phones: after the successful iPhone application, the well-known directory now introduces the equivalent for Android-based devices. The new application is iPhone it’s predecessor in anything after, and is now available for free download in the Android market store. Android users find restaurants, pharmacies, ATMs, taxis, emergency numbers and many other topics in addition to telephone, fax, mobile and service numbers and addresses of professionals and individuals locally or nationwide. “Our application is a very useful and helpful service for those in a foreign city on the road and are dependent on fast information”, as Gerhard Kinzl, Managing Director of the phone book service society mbH. The application automatically detects the user’s current location using GPS technology of Android devices and delivers the desired address from the in a few seconds immediate vicinity. Both is currently immense interest on the mobile Internet as well as devices with touchscreens. Mobile online services is increasing. With the new technical possibilities Let’s DasTelefonbuch where it is required our applications now available for Android phones, are an important new part of our multi-access approach”, Gerhard Kinzl continues.

The application blends optical functions and features at a glance into the stylish Android environment. The input mask is easy to use. Name/term or telephone number and location can be freely combined. The District Finder and the advanced search mask will allow more detailed research. The reverse lookup can be used to determined who or what is behind a landline, fax and mobile phone number. Found entries can just directly call at your fingertips, contact via E-Mail or take in the address book of the device.

The maps and routing functions can be researched addresses in Display map maps, satellite images and views from a bird’s-eye view. Easily can be determined also the route to it. The application is less than a megabyte in size and is easy to install on all Android phones to download. The helper program”works in all German mobile phone networks and access via mobile Internet on the full inventory of over 30 million addresses from The application and their use are free of charge, only the corresponding operator charges will apply. About DasTelefonbuch DasTelefonbuch, a medium, a brand that is represented in almost all German households is published jointly by 38 publishers and DeTeMedien GmbH. Since the first edition in 1881, DasTelefonbuch has changed long ago to a comprehensive multi-access platform. At any time and from any location can be accessed on over 30 million binding address for free: whether on the Internet under by travelling via iPhone application, Vodafone widget or WAP service at, via SMS information 30 30 3 or almost classic as language information, printed or CD-ROM. In addition, the best-known directory Germany offers many more tools, finding active, benefits and further processing of addresses and all, to remain easy to contact.

Nexans Germany

The year’s 45th national competition is the Foundation “youth research” out e.V. together with ThyssenKrupp AG from 13 to 15 May 2009 in Essen. We are committed to youth research, because we want to help the youth to realize their own future with its technical possibilities. Together with the youth of today, we develop the future it – our children – are living in the”Dr. Francis Krahenbuhl, Chief Executive Officer of Nexans Germany GmbH.

our support of the youth research dash is just one example, the early contact with schools and universities is as important to us. Finally we want to present as early as possible ourselves as an attractive employer our future employees”, adds Jutta van, spokeswoman Nexans Germany. That education is not a product, but rather an ongoing process, proves also the cable expert his national and international continuing education programs such as leadership development and the Nexans University”. Photo caption: The youth discovered new worlds the official poster of youth research 2010. About 5,000 research projects in the areas of workplace, biology, chemistry, Earth and space sciences, mathematics/computer science, physics and technology are for the competition Jugend forscht 2010 has been filed. Nexans Germany of Nexans Germany is one of the leading cable manufacturers in Europe.

The company offers a comprehensive range of high-performance cables, systems and components for the telecommunications and energy sectors. The programme is rounded off by superconducting materials and components, Cryoflex transfer systems and special machines for the cable industry. It is made in Germany and abroad with approx. 6.240 employees. The turnover is approx. EUR 936 million in 2008. Through the tight integration of the Nexans group Nexans Germany has excellent opportunities for the synergies in all areas of the group. The same is true for global projects as well as for research and development, exchange of know-how, etc.

IBM Research Density

Such technologies are necessary to keep pace with the explosion of digital information”, says Evangelos Eleftheriou, IBM Fellow and Director of storage technology research at IBM Research Zurich. IBM is in a unique position to assist customers in the backup, storage, and analysis of rapidly growing volumes of data and to help them to improve their efficiency and profitability.” Because: long-term storage has become an absolute must for users at relatively low cost. Data are often in automated tape libraries tape recorded, in which a or some a few tape drives manage dozens to thousands of tapes. Tape libraries can now petabytes of data include representing millions of gigabytes. An examination of the cost per gigabyte shows that the costs for the long term storage of data on tape-based systems, Depending on their size, currently are one-fifth to one-tenth of today’s disk storage systems. In addition, tape cartridges cause no power consumption, as long as not they accessed, in contrast to the continuously rotating disks. This offers further potential for cost savings and make the most energy efficient off-the-shelf storage technology tape systems. The current density demonstration is based on several important technical improvements.

25 times more data tracks on the unchanged 0.5 inch wide band could be accommodated through a precise positioning of the read and write heads. A great progress was also made in the detection ability of the individual bits, which allowed a 50 percent increase of the linear density. Another crucial factor was the use of a new, low-friction read and stylus. Almaden, this was developed research at IBM, based on close cooperation with FUJIFILM in the development of new storage media. IBM has had a long Tradition of innovation in tape storage technology. The first commercial IBM tape storage product, the IBM 726 magnetic tape unit was announced about 60 years ago. It also used band roles with a range of about a half an inch, reaching a capacity of approximately 2 megabytes.

Today announced band storage density would correspond to the 17.5 millions capacity of this first band role. (1) the record density was achieved at a typical speed of 2 meters per second, and the obtained error rates are correctable with standard error correction method and meet IBM’s specifications for LTO 4 products. (2) at this calculation, a 12-percent increase in the length of the band adopted the reduced Strip thickness from the results. 3) rounded up from 43.75 further information please refer to the English-speaking media release: news /… You can download high-resolution images online: photos/ibm. More information about IBM Research – Zurich Learn more about FUJIFILM video “IBM research sets new record in magnetic tape data density” IBM Austria