Once you’ve identified the main beliefs, questioning them so you can discover what the truth. You can use various techniques to work with your beliefs, which I recommend are a few simple questions, inspired by Byron Katie, author of the Bestseller I need your love, is it true? (in English). For example, question the belief need to consider me beautiful to feel good with me same can know it to be true with absolute certainty that you need that others consider you beautiful to feel good? you ever have questioned? How you feel and act when you think you need that others consider you beautiful to feel good? Noticing it. Probably insecure, anxious, depressed by look beautiful. Takes you to compare you constantly, wanting to look like others, and improve you to fit into the stereotypes of beauty, you criticize and make you feel as if something is not well with you. Can you isolate, you retraigas. You can not enjoy being who you are nor of your life, because you’re too aware of what others think of you.

How would you feel and actuarias if you didn’t have the thought that you need to be considered beautiful? Perhaps you quitarias you a weight off, you relajarias you in the presence of other people, you’d not be pending the opinion of others, would you feel more free to have fun, to enjoy, to be you. If you’ve answered the questions honestly maybe you have seen that your state of mind varies with the thought and without him. With thinking there is anxiety, tension, stress and without thinking there’s more enjoyment, more freedom to be you. Do you notice how your well-being does not depend on the opinion of others, if not the beliefs that you have at this time? And this is good news, because you can’t control what others think of you, but yes as you feel on the subject, and this is a great release.