While in the field of air cargo around the world is completely dominated by airplane aviation, airships are not exhausted its potential. Used in construction of modern Dirigibles technologies, as well as a clear idea of strengths of these aircraft makes them promising to perform many types of traffic. Balloon and airship since the construction of the balloon brothers Montgolfier in Europe and America found many ways to use balloons for almost more useful purposes than providing exciting ballooning rides. Balloon-balloon may be more or less successfully maneuvered vertically only by changing the aerostatic lift. But in the horizontal plane of the free balloon can only drift with the wind. Now, as more than two hundred years ago, balloon remains predominantly exercise equipment and a tool for research. Another thing – run balloon or airship.

From the outset, the history of aeronautics inventors have tried to rid Balloons of unconditional dependence on non-permanent flow. But this was only after the establishment of internal combustion engines. The first third of the twentieth century was a time of intensive progress of aviation and airship. Swansong steel Zeppelin. These aircraft are already able to handle regular passenger line of great length, including the transatlantic. But some of the largest airship disasters have led to what the late thirties of the twentieth century for several decades with Dirigibles no longer bind any prospects. The more so by the time the success of aircraft heavier than air – airplanes and helicopters later – completely overshadowed from public scrutiny.