METHOD DR. BARZEL real estate online evaluate centrally aligned brand method Dr. Barzel conquered now customers on-site. For the services offered since 1999 online real estate valuation”IMMOBILIENWERT24 has created an alternative to the existing central marketing strategy. Partner site for marketing on the Internet the service for online real estate valuation looks”more partners who assist him in the urban-related marketing, on a revenue sharing basis. IMMOBILIENWERT24 offers a city-related real estate review portal to use the partner. It also provides the service of the technical requirements related, site data, customer support and payment.

Exclusive license IMMOBILIENWERT24 granted the partner an exclusive, time limited license for use of urban-related real estate rating portal available. At the same time, the service grants the partner a non-exclusive and Dr. Barzel method over the term of the contract temporary right to use the trademark. Contract territory a license is granted exclusively for the selected city. The service guarantees the partner exclusive representative permission to the license area for the duration of the contract period.

Main task of the partners of the partner Dr. Barzel method promotes real estate valuation in his town. He undertakes to operate sustainable marketing activities. This should lead that consumers and others assess a method Dr. Barzel real estate through the city-related portal. Deposit of the partner makes a payment to the service. The amount depends on the economic strength of the selected city. The amount will serve as a deposit as security, that the partner opens up the potential of his city. Repayment from the initial evaluation with everyone about the real estate assessment Portal generated real estate valuation, receives the licensee be refunded a partial refund of his deposit. This installment to repay in the revenue share is included until full repayment of the deposit. After the licensee receives during the Duration of the contract remain the full revenue sharing. Relationship to the mutual benefit of decentralized marketing strategy of the service IMMOBILIENWERT24 is aligned on a relationship for the mutual benefit with practical division of labour and high revenue share. More information can be found under: license partner