Homeschooling works, is something any parent with children and older homeschooler can explain. Children educated at home when they grow are perfectly integrated in society, have good study habits and work, are to be sociable, find jobs or start their own business, and enjoy a full life. Many study courses at universities and get very good grades. When anyone reads this and is considering starting homeschooling, or are immersed in it, is often requested but how I can be sure I do it well? What educational and teaching method is best? And the answer is this: There is no miracle method. The success of home education for their children does not depend on whether you use conventional or alternative methods, not whether they are more or less rigid, or the time you spend together, or the materials used. None of this is definitive.

I met many home educating families of all types, whether you were doing who makes himself at school were virtually or exclusively the interests of their children. At the end of the method, or lack of it did not affect the final result: young people with an upper-middle culture, full of curiosity about the world around them, with hobbies and hobbies defined a high level of sociability, responsible and proactive attitude . I’ll tell you what are the real keys to achieve that, the real secret of success of homeschooling. There are several things that are facilitated by the intense relationship that exists when not sent their children to school: respect, perseverance, enhancing children’s self-esteem, confidence and capacity-building endeavor. The combination of these five elements is the final key is to make you home educate successfully and satisfactorily, achieving their children develop responsibility, independence, discretion, happiness, and respect for themselves and the rest of planet, which will allow them to move with confidence in the world as adults.

What the academic? Ask. That is easier to transmit a thousand and one ways. You can find lots of resources, either in the bookstores, libraries, or stationery, or on the network, which will help with that part. On the Internet you will find hundreds of pages that will offer you a wide range of resources for children and young people of all ages, with different methodologies, various approaches, separated by areas, or working different materials across. Important thing is to have a clear goal and priority, and know that you are not alone in this task, which is always going to find other families who are in the same situation as you, and others with more experience who always help and guide. Simply put, when we educate at home do not lose focus! and focus on the ultimate goal, to educate people to be happy, independent and capable.