However, with this comes the risk of stopping the construction of which entirely at the shareholders. In order to reduce this risk, and protection of shareholders, at the legislative level have been limited to investment-funded housing co-operatives in the new buildings – at 20% of the mutual fund of the cooperative. In To improve reliability and exceptional risks of unwanted program "Housing Step" allows you to purchase only the unfinished housing, which may be issued in the property or real estate in the secondary market. So way, participants are protected from failure of unfinished and deadlines objects. Number 6 in the co-op shareholders on the storage stage does not receive any benefits, except promises of the loan.
Shareholders do not receive income of money invested, which by virtue of inflation permanently impaired. The members of the cooperative are required to regularly pay the membership fees rather big. In the program "Housing move 'buyer-tenant as a party under accumulation, is able to benefit live in the apartment and, accordingly, solves its housing problem. The program "Housing move" has no entrance, membership, shares, fees and commissions. Amount and timing Program participant fees, speaking Purchaser shall itself determine the basis of their abilities. Making parallels can be seen as defective, as compared with the program "Housing step" position of the shareholder to the cooperative stage of accumulation funds, where he receives nothing in return on investment and still required to make regular tangible membership fees. The program participant under accumulation (buyer-tenant) pays no membership fees and income from the investment pays for most of the cost of living in an apartment.