Cold winters in Russia – the usual thing. Every villager knows that the more natoplena oven, the heat in the house. But citizens are often faced with the phenomenon, breaking the usual view: hot battery, and flat cold. The reason – a large heat loss through exterior walls due to their low thermal resistance, as in high-rise building construction materials used, thermal resistance which is significantly lower than that of wood. For example, say that the thermal resistance of walls made of pine and spruce thickness 0.15 mm to 1.4 times higher than the masonry thickness 0.51 m.
The value of thermal resistance depends on other important characteristic walling – heat resistance. Thermal stability characterizes their property to resist the extremes of outdoor temperature. Increase the heat resistance of frame structures for possible by increasing their thermal resistance. Given the great length of the heating season in many regions of Russia, as well as rising energy prices, the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation has made changes in snip II-3-79 'Building Heat Engineering' according to which the total thermal resistance of frame structures for the reconstructed and newly constructed buildings should be, for example, Moscow is not less than 3.2 m x C / watt. This means that the drop in temperature passage through the building envelope heat flux density equal to one, must be not less than 3.2 deg. C. Compliance with this requirement by increasing the thickness of the walling is almost impossible: the thickness of the walls of reinforced concrete must be at least 6 m, and from solid brick – not less than 2,3 m.