Change with style – sell with success. The real estate market is a market with many features, which on the one hand real estate are in the nature of the goods, and on the other hand are determined by many different buyers and sellers. Until the late of 1950s, the sellers market situation prevailed in Germany. With the conversion to the buyer’s market at the beginning of the 1960s, the companies are forced to adapt their strategies and market behavior to the changing demands of the customers. The providers of real estate are especially challenged due to the market situation. Supply exceeds demand, so that a pure transmission of information is no longer sufficient. Rethinking the real estate application is urgently needed.

Along with a reliable flow of information is especially appealing presentation, which should be based on more importance. The real estate must be original and slightly different to be noticed. The competition and the variety of objects should be the driving force. She can move, repeatedly, to devise new strategies, to become more attractive for the market and the market participants. One of these innovation strategies is home staging. This service originated in the United States, where it is successful for over three decades. In Europe the real estate although not so long used for sale in scene, but just as successfully.

Meanwhile home staging agencies also offered in many German cities this service. Real estate prepared in this way have a significant advantage over other offerings. You can be sold faster and more expensive. In the area of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia residential degree helps private and commercial provider real estate sales and rental arrangements, marketing and other professional services in the field of home staging. The cost for this is usually no more than 1-2% of the selling price. The property rises in value by approximately 10-15% and their length of time can be reduced to half. The wishful thinking of a real estate on the part of buyers willing to purchase are often governed by constant change, because a dream home to find it hard. The customer must often look for new qualities. When a property on the market, it has to distinguish itself from the other offerings. Because already in the initial survey the customer should feel, to imagine life in exactly this real estate at an early stage. Tatjana Ebert