Also enough cases where data simply refrigerators are not included in the doorway and all questions about the delivery (removal door delivery, climbing stairs without packing on the spacing of the apartment) should specify in the store when shopping. 2. Second criterion privybore refrigerator – a system for cooling the refrigerator. They can be divided into two static and No Frost. Static system. Cooling inside the refrigerator chamber occurs due to evaporation, for the arrangement of the rear wall of the chamber. As a result, the temperature in the refrigerator is lowered and the rear wall forms a frost (it's the moisture that is condensed and kristalizavalas in the cooling process).

During pauses in the compressor wall thaws, and the condensate flows down the drainage system in a container mounted on the compressor and evaporates from the natural way – this process is called automatic defrost. In the static cooling You can also select and dynamic. With such a cooling system at the top of the refrigerator is installed a fan that evenly distributes the air in the refrigeration compartment and allows for more rapid and uniform cooling at all levels. No Frost. Fundamentally different cooling system is No Frost. According to the principle of it as similar as possible with air conditioning. The camera has already served the refrigerator cold dry air, the spirit (humidity 20-40%), in consequence of which is not the freezing of ice and frost. The main drawback No Frost is the need to store food in containers because as a result of the system is drying products.