Of course, replacement of worn out pipes, valves and radiators needed. Coupled with the thermal insulation of the building allows it to eliminate heat loss. However, reducing the heat in the house to ensure a reduction of heat, but only lead to an increase in air temperature in living quarters. And, as a rule, excessive. Thus, no increase Energy utilities are not happening.
Living in the same apartment buildings instead of one problem get another. After all, manage home microclimate they can only be one way – opening the window and "warming" the street. At the same time heat meters, which are installed in every home will soon be mandatory, not register a save heat, but on the contrary, the growth of its consumption. The key to solving this problem with two unknowns is concluded in just two words: regulation and accounting. "The inhabitants of each town house and every apartment should be able to control their heat consumption, receiving a direct financial benefit from its reduction and self-defining comfort temperature levels of indoor air – says Pavel , deputy ceo of Danfoss (the world's leading manufacturer of energy efficient equipment for heating and heating buildings) in the interaction with public authorities and administration and a member of the Expert Council on Housing for construction committee of the Duma. – Only in this case energy efficiency of housing abstract categories becomes a real prospect. " A clear demonstration of this is the experience of some Nordic countries, where energy efficiency has long become a national idea.