To learn how to specify a competency we must talk, dialogue with workers who exercise as part of their daily occupation. It is interesting to note that persons working, operate in different job roles, but rarely stop to think about what they do, how do them, how they realize that are working well, with quality, in safe working conditions. Approaches and models used in the determination of competencies. Approaches to competitions that are now in the market in its essence reduces the possibilities of application of skills, according to Llorente, (1999) and regrets by fatality being the most widespread sharing a number of common points. Each competition has a name and a verbal definition precise. Names such as: identification with the company, self-confidence, search for information, orientation to the customer, conceptual thinking, flexibility, leadership, appeared in early studies of McBer, (there are Group/McBer).

Each competition has a certain number of levels that reflect observable behavior, not value judgments. All competencies can develop (move from one smaller to a larger level) though not in an immediate way how to receive a training course. All posts have been associated a competency profile that is no more than an inventory of them, along with the levels required of each of them. Mismatches that will be analyzed are obtained with the evaluated level of each competition. A profile or competency model is a description of the requirements needed to play a position in the highest level of performance (performance).

What are competencies by area? Competences by areas They describe the competencies that should have people working in that area. In some cases, it is preferable to establish competency by functional areas of the institution. For example, people working in the systems department require different skills to those working in the accounting department. What is the corporate competitiveness? It is the set of group and individual competencies that characterize the organization.