It looked for a mark with hook, easy to remember and that, in addition, it practically sounded equal in any language. A mission that seemed impossible, until the industralist remembered from a trip to the Philippines, where he had proven the handle for the first time. This sweet and strong, almost unpublished fruit in Spain, and that had hit to him then, was right the name that wanted. It ran to the Registry and it had the luck of a nobody would before have been happened to him to use it. It was in 1984. Maria: This mark of the most famous cakes is the name of the granddaughter of the founder of the company, Eugene Fontaneda. Mercedes: The name of these cars corresponds to a Viennese girl of eleven years, daughter of a lady of Spanish origin, married with the retailer and general consul, Emil Jellinek, enthusiastic of the incipient motoring of principles of century XX. This consul makes an order important of a new design to Daimler, inventor and automobile constructor, with the proposal to grant to these cars the name of his Mercedes daughter.

This name had as much acceptance that was decided to denominate thus to all the cars of Daimler. Mercromina: The University John Hopkins discovers in 1917 the benefits of the solution of mercurocromo. In 1927, the Spanish Jose Antonio Serrallach would be able to reach the excellence in his formulation. Mercromina, the red antiseptic had been born. The name comes from " mercuro and cromo". Miko: The founder of this company, of Spanish origin, put the name to him of the dog of his neighbor. He makes a draft Maid: This company was founded on Florida (the United States) in year 1946 and its coquetea name with the meaning of the English word " minute" (minute) and with the sound of the word " maid" , that remembers to the word " made" (fact).